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Birds birds

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1 Birds birds

2 Taxonomy Kingdom Anamalia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Aves

3 Origin Possibly developed from small tree climbing dinosaurs
Feathers evolved as a method of insulation

4 Archaeopteryx Earliest known bird (140 mya)
Reptilian characteristics – bony teeth, tail, claws Bird characteristics – feathers, bones (light)

5 Characteristics of Birds
Click Here for Groups and Classification of my Friends! Body Design Bones – lightweight Air sacs Teeth – none Endothermic Heart – four chambers Feathers Amniotic egg

6 Body Design Phalanges Skull Ulna Radius Humerus Mandible Caudal
Wishbone Keeled Sternum Femur

7 Birds have light weight skeletons with hollow bones
The bones of most birds are specialized for flight. PELVIS

8 Bird Breathing

9 So, how does air flow through the avian lungs & air sacs during respiration?
1 - On first inhalation, air flows through the trachea & bronchi & primarily into the posterior (rear) air sacs 2 - On exhalation, air moves from the posterior air sacs & into the lungs 3 - With the second inhalation, air moves from the lungs & into the anterior (front) air sacs 4 - With the second exhalation, air moves from the anterior air sacs back into the trachea & out

10 Bird Beaks Hooks-Golden eagle Spears-Kingfisher

11 Seed and Nut Crackers Cardinal Sparrow Finch

12 Spoons Mallard

13 Straw and Tweezers Hummingbird Robin

14 Control of Body Temperature
Endotherms “warm-blooded” Heat body from inside Body insulated with fat, hair, or feathers Do not have to bask in the sun, so can move around during cool nights, cloudy weather, etc… Active for long periods of time Require more food b/c generating body heat burns a lot of calories

15 Feathers 5 types Contour – large, cover body and wings
Down – grow underneath, trap air close to body, provide insulation Powder – waterfowl, release white powder that repels water Filoplume – (aka pin feathers) short feathers, look like hair Bristles – short hairlike feathers near nostrils, filter dust

16 Feather Structure Preening – care of feathers
Follicle – sac in skin from which feather grows Rachis (rA-ks) – central cylinder running length of feather; solid Quill – part of rachis beneath skin, hollow Barbs – branch off rachis, make up soft flexible part of feather Barbules – small lateral projections that link barbs together Vane – several barbs together Preening – care of feathers Molting – shedding of feathers

17 Bird Digestion Bird Digestive system is very similar to the earth worm’s. It has a crop for storage of food, and a gizzard to grind up food. Birds only have one exit for wastes- the cloaca.

18 Bird Reproduction Birds have extensive mating displays.
Since birds only have a cloaca, the sperm will exit the male’s body through the male’s cloaca. It will then be stored inside the female’s body until she is ready to lay fertilized eggs. Because it relies on the cloaca, where food waste is passed, many fertilized eggs will not survive due to bacteria.

19 Bird and Reptile Eggs Birds and Reptiles both rely on the amniotic egg to protect their young. Bird eggs are housed in calcium shells, while reptile eggs are more leather-like. 4 major parts Yolk- food source for developing chick Amnion- keeps egg from drying out- critical to life on land! Allantois- stores waste from embryo Embryo- developing chick

20 Amniotic Egg

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