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HISTORY AND METHODOLOGY OF LEGAL STUDIES Higher Education Field 030900 Jurisprudence Specialization Human Rights Defense Graduate Degree Master of Laws.

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1 HISTORY AND METHODOLOGY OF LEGAL STUDIES Higher Education Field 030900 Jurisprudence Specialization Human Rights Defense Graduate Degree Master of Laws (LLM) Peoples` Friendship University of Russia

2 Head of the Department of the theory and history of state and law of Peoples` Friendship University of Russia, Doctor of Law, Professor Marina Nemytinа

3 The aims and tasks of the course The course is aimed at improvement of magistrate students’ understanding of the law theory and methodology. This presupposes mastering of the history of law theory, the background and modern state of methodological approaches in jurisprudence and also mastering methods of legal research (both general methods of research and special legal ones) and skills of legal research practice.

4 The place of the course in the structure of the Major Educational Program Obligatory course of the basic (general professional) part of the professional cycle; the course is included into the block of courses opening the master’s studies. Successful mastering of the course “History and methodology of legal studies” will help to better master such coursers as “Philosophy of law”, “Comparative law”, “History of political and legal teachings”, “Human rights, scientific and technical progress”, etc.

5 As an outcome of the course the student: knows: history of law theory development; modern tendencies of law theory development; existing methodological approaches in legal theory; typology of understanding of law; general theoretical and special legal methods of research; algorithm of theoretical research in the sphere of law; operate the basic categorical apparatus оf jurisprudence; apply modern theoretical approaches and use methods of research;

6 As an outcome of the course the student: can: operate the basic categorical apparatus оf jurisprudence; apply modern theoretical approaches and use methods of research; masters: skills of theoretical research in accordance with the latest achievements of legal theory, applied approaches and methods.

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