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Presentation on theme: " Benchmarking Service Desks: Why & Why Not! Howard Kendall, Founder, SDI Surprise | Delight | Inspire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benchmarking Service Desks: Why & Why Not! Howard Kendall, Founder, SDI Surprise | Delight | Inspire

2 Who am I and about SDI….. Benchmarking – Why? When? What? How? Best practice & tools Learn from industry & trends A service desk is not just for Christmas… Agenda

3 Surprise | Delight | Inspire Our mission is to inspire service desks to be brilliant Mission

4 Surprise | Delight | Inspire Vision To achieve our mission, we inspire service desks to: … Embrace: best practice to raise the quality of service delivery Engage: with customers to create an inspiring and motivating service experience Invest: in and empowering their teams to be inspired, take action and be better Shine: by demonstrating and delivering exceptional business value

5 Surprise | Delight | Inspire Customer Engagement we engage with service desks physically and virtually #BELIEVE14 Training & Qualifications Best Practice Standards SDI Membership. Community Blog Consultancy Services Industry Events Webinars Service Desk Certification Industry Research TFT Virtual Conference

6 A measurement of the quality of an organisation's policies, products, programmes, strategies etc., and their comparison with standard measurements, or similar measurements of its peers.qualityorganisation'spoliciesproductsprogrammesstrategiesstandardmeasurements The objectives of benchmarking are (1) to determine what and where improvements are called for, (2) to analyse how other organisations achieve their high performance levels, and (3)to use this information to improve performance.objectivesimprovementscalledanalyseachievehighperformanceinformationimprove Benchmarking is…?

7 Stake in ground? League rating? Base to improve? Now? When we think we’re BAD? GOOD? Never? Start point and reasons Why not? 7 Why & When?

8 Culture People Process Measures Commmunication Management Quick wins and ongoing quality build Improvement Targets

9 Consultant guidelines/methodologies Peer group of service desks - or outsourcers ISO or BSI standard ITIL framework/guidelines Lean, EFQM, SixSigma quality methods Contact Centre Standard like Metricnet HDI or SDI service desk standards Benchmark against what?

10 Benchmark against what? Service Desk Certification levels

11 To achieve ‘World Class’ status each concept requires a YES rating for all its associated criteria: Leadership Policy and Strategy People Partnerships and Resources Processes People Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction Key Performance Results Social Responsibility 11 The world class service desk

12 Success Vision and Mission Attitudes and Behaviour Culture Integration Customer Advocacy Efficiency Wow Factor Continual Improvement 12 World class service desk principles To achieve SDI ‘World Class’ the service desk must achieve 75% overall for:

13 Outsourcing – learn from Cloud services Social media and us AGILE – DEVOPS – LEAN – more Consumer marketing Brand focus Anyhow - anywhere faster – better Changing customer journey BIGdata Q: Are you adding value? Trends to watch or use?

14 Apple store Disney or Amazon Zappos App stores/cloud Ryanair BIG data..on YOU!(IBM) Ask a friend…your customer data? 14 Community & customer trends

15 15 From: Price, B. and Jaffe, D. (2008) ‘ The Best Service Is No Service ’ Is great service no service at all…?

16 Customer business value? What they want? Event anticipation Loads customer contact Learn from data/past Prevent and anticipate

17 Own Give confidence Take Responsibility Fix/get fixed Tell/update End Learn Close/Happiness Closed Loop Incident

18 Work out your customers and what they need Do it better every day Team in tune, build brand Steal best ideas from others to improve Keep doing it Simple! Summary

19 Surprise | Delight | Inspire Thank You! +44 (0)1689 889100 @sdi_institute The Service Desk Institute (SDI) Service Desk Institute (SDI) Q&A

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