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S2. Healthy Living Five Food Groups and Seven Nutrients.

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1 S2. Healthy Living Five Food Groups and Seven Nutrients

2 INTRODUCTION From the following three drinks... Which has the most sugar? (more than what you should be having in the WHOLE DAY) Which has the lowest (still about half the recommended daily allowance)?

3 INTRODUCTION They have your WHOLE or HALF intake in one serving!!! Oasis fruit drink (500ml) – 60.5g Coca Cola (500ml) – 53.5g Red Bull (250ml) – 28.25g Recommended intake of sugar =MEN – 64g (about 13 tsp)WOMEN – 49g (about 10 tsp)

4 OBJECTIVE: To understand what makes a healthy diet ALL: to know the five food groups and the seven nutrients MOST: to know the recommended daily allowance of the five food groups and where the seven nutrients are obtained SOME: to assess their own diets KEY WORDS: Recommended daily allowance Nutrients

5 What is a healthy diet? A) A healthy diet is having meals that we enjoy. They should provide a lot of energy so we feel awake and active. Bodies store energy as fat so we can use them later. B) A healthy diet is having balanced meals. The meals should have the correct nutritional content for our bodies needs. Bodies use nutrients for energy and growth. C) A healthy diet should not exceed the daily recommended calories for our age and sex. We should mainly eat fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are good because they help repair our bodies.

6 What are the five food groups that provide us with nutrients? (1) Fruit and vegetables

7 What are the five food groups that provide us with nutrients? (2) Bread, rice, potato, pasta

8 What are the five food groups that provide us with nutrients? (3) Meat, fish, eggs and beans

9 What are the five food groups that provide us with nutrients? (4) Milk and dairy foods

10 What are the five food groups that provide us with nutrients? (5) Foods high in fat and sugar

11 What is the recommended daily allowance of the five food groups? 33% 15% 12% 7%

12 TASK: Using the paper plates provided, draw and write down everything you ate and drank yesterday

13 33 12 15 7 TASK: Take a look at your plate Have you eaten foods from the five food groups? What amounts of the five food groups are you eating?

14 Seven nutrients for a healthy diet

15 Nutrients Carbohydrates Proteins Fibre Fats Vitamins Minerals Water

16 Carbohydrates Main source of energy Contained in rice, pasta, bread, potatoes

17 Proteins… Used in the body for growth and repair Foods include meat, egg, fish, baked beans Helps to strengthen the immune system and helps in muscle growth

18 Fibre Fibre is needed to help the digestion system and for healthy bowel function Food sources – fruit, vegetables, wholegrain rice and pasta, bran, cereals

19 Fats… Gives energy and helps the body to absorb vitamins Food sources include butter, margarine and oils. Too much fat leads to blocked arteries, obesity and heart disease

20 Vitamins There are many different vitamins and minerals. Vitamins can be found in lots of food, especially fruit, vegetables and salad. Vitamins can improve eyesight and improve the immune system (stop us getting ill)

21 Minerals There are lots of different minerals to be found in food and which help our bodies. Calcium can be found in dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurts. Calcium helps to make bones and teeth stronger.

22 Water Regulates body temperature, digest food and lubricates joints Water makes up 55-60 per cent of the body’s weight We should drink 6-8 cups of clear water a day.

23 TASK Swap your plate with another pupils and assess whether the seven nutrients are in their diet.

24 TASK 1.Swap your plate with another pupils and assess whether the seven nutrients are in their diet. 2.Create a poster, poem, song, drama, story or anything else of your choosing on the importance of a healthy, balanced diet.

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