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SIYB Global. Contents 1. SIYB Intro 2. SIYBs Global Outreach 3. SIYBs Implementation Strategy 4. A recent impact evaluation of SIYB 5. The way forward.

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Presentation on theme: "SIYB Global. Contents 1. SIYB Intro 2. SIYBs Global Outreach 3. SIYBs Implementation Strategy 4. A recent impact evaluation of SIYB 5. The way forward."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIYB Global

2 Contents 1. SIYB Intro 2. SIYBs Global Outreach 3. SIYBs Implementation Strategy 4. A recent impact evaluation of SIYB 5. The way forward for SIYB

3 1. SIYB Intro  Developed in the 1970’s by the Swedish Employers’ Federation as “Look after your firm”  1977 - Adapted by ILO to the needs of small scale entrepreneurs in developing countries and renamed to “Improve your business”  In the early 90’s the “Start Your Business” training package was developed in Fiji to complement the IYB training package.  1998, “Generate Your Business Idea” was developed in Southern and Eastern Africa  1999 “SIYB training” becomes the “SIYB Programme”  2003, Expand Your Business is developed and introduced in Sri Lanka and Southern Africa  2007 Last “SIYB only” TC project in China

4 1. SIYB Intro: product family EYB GYB Enterprise Growth IYB SYB GYB = Generate you Business Idea SYB = Start your Business IYB = Improve your Business EYB = Expand your Business Time Plus subsector adaptations and simplified packages: Tourism Construction Grassroots Productivity and employment conditions

5 2. SIYB Outreach: Worldwide SIYB Master Trainer Trainer Potential (2/3) and existing entrepreneurs (1/3) 100 Countries 200+ accredited Master Trainers +/- 17 000 Trainers 2500+ Partner Organizations * Note: Figures based on 2011 Global Tracer Study (until end 2010) and estimates by author +/- 5 000 000 clients +/- 1 000 000 Business start-ups +/- 3 000 000 additional jobs

6 2. SIYB Outreach

7 Last update: June 2009 1-5 Master Trainers6-10 Master Trainers 11-20 Master Trainers21-30 Master Trainers More than 100 Master Trainers SIYB has been introduced 2. Outreach: Where?

8 3. SIYB Implementation SIYB Facilitator MT Start-Ups, Micro and Small Entrepreneurs TTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTT 1.The Main Facilitator trains “SIYB Master Trainers” 2.Master Trainers train SIYB trainers in BDS providers 3.SIYB trainers train clients: MSEs and start ups SIYB trains on three levels Marketing and branding

9 3. SIYB implementation: Sustainability Financial: Cost recovery and financial incentives at all system levels Technical: maintain or improve the technical quality of training programmes including new material development and continuous learning Institutional: management capacity, legitimacy and recognition of institutions and people. Planning and executing SIYB programming cycle

10 Changing SIYB sustainability models  1980ies early 90ies: ILO constituents and public sector as main implementation partners  Late 1990ies to 2000s: the Business Development Services paradigm, going private  Since late 2000s: strategic mix public and small scale private sector

11 4. SIYB impact  The SIYB Global Tracer Study is not an impact study, it only gives a rough estimate of impact, but…  SIYB and similar small enterprise management training packages have recently been reviewed in thorough impact studies (without ILO involvement: truly independent)  These and earlier studies usually show impact on limited number of Decent Work indicators  And there are always opportunity costs…

12 5. The way forward  SIYB now to be found in more integrated programmes or run by national implementation partners  Challenge: how to keep the “brand” alive  ILO HQ is now investing in reviewing and re-newing the global material:  Bringing out ILO messages more clearly without compromising unique SIYB selling points  And in re-aligning the strategic sustainability mix

13 EYB GYB Enterprise Growth IYB SYB Time GYB = Generate your Business Idea SYB = Start your Business IYB = Improve your Business EYB = Expand your Business The SIYB family of products: Practical management training from start-up to expansion

14 C-BED

15 Thank You!

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