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Date: L.O: to create a fundraising event using ICT Can you put the pictures back together? Extra! Describe what is happening in your picture.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: L.O: to create a fundraising event using ICT Can you put the pictures back together? Extra! Describe what is happening in your picture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: L.O: to create a fundraising event using ICT Can you put the pictures back together? Extra! Describe what is happening in your picture

2 Learning Outcomes a) able to plan a simple event including venue/date/type of event b) able to devise an event aimed at young people c) able to create an informative presentation, using 3 key facts about MAG’s work 12345678910 Not at all Feel ok about itFeel very confident confident

3 quiz Using your coloured cards, show how you feel about each question You will have 10 seconds to decide on your answer

4 Question 1 Which of the following events is aimed at 12-20 year olds? a wine and cheese tasting event a one day music festival in the park a month long cycle across Cambodia

5 Question 2 How much would be a reasonable amount to pay for a charity football match? £5 20p £700

6 Question 3 What would be the most catchy name for a charity skydive? Please come and help us raise money by jumping out of a small plane The long drop! Charity skydive

7 Question 4 What would be the best way of promoting an event to young people? An advert on Radio 4 An advert in The Times A billboard poster near a school

8 Question 5 Which of the following facts would be appropriate to use on an events poster? MAG, clearing conflicts since 1989 MAG wants to maximise the longer term impact of our work by improving the skills and broadening the experience of countries' workforces MAG rocks

9 Question 6 Which of the following images would be suitable for an events leaflet?

10 Question 7 What of the following items would sell well at a charity fun day? Board games MAG t-shirts and badges Goldfish

11 Events co-ordinator Now you must use your planning sheet from last lesson to create your presentation for the board of directors. Remember, to be successful: You must include: the type of event, location, date, audience You should include: promotional materials, publicity ideas, celebrity involvement, images, 3 facts about MAG You could include: a planned budget and how much profit you expect, a key message, videos and images Remember to think about what YOU feel about the work of MAG. You will be asked for your opinion when you deliver your presentation next lesson.

12 How will you be assessed? Level 2 Pupils can talk about their planned event. They can give their opinion on the work of MAG. Pupils are able to show they have researched into different types of events to support of global cause. Level 3 Pupils can describe their event in detail and show how they will promote it to young people. They will have designed publicity material and thought about how they can best promote the event. Pupils will also show they have researched into the work of MAG by including 3 facts about the work that is carried out by the charity. Level 4 Pupils will have researched into the work of MAG and found 3 key facts. They will also have created a detailed presentation and thought about their own opinion regarding conflict and conflict resolution. Pupils are able to link the work of MAG to human rights and the importance of team work.

13 Slide One -What will your event be? -Where will it take place? -What kind of person is it aimed at?

14 Slide Two -How will you attract people to your event?(food, drink, prizes) -What key facts about MAG’s work will you include in the promotional material? -What kind of publicity will you use? -Will you use celebrities to promote your event? Who?

15 Slide Three -You have a budget of £5,000. What will you need to spend it on? -How many people will you expect at your event? -How much will you charge guests/ask guests to raise in order to make a profit for MAG?

16 Slide Four - What merchandise will you sell at your event? -What will be the key message on your products?

17 Learning Outcomes a) able to plan a simple event including venue/date/type of event b) able to devise an event aimed at young people c) able to create an informative presentation, using 3 key facts about MAG’s work 12345678910 Not at all Feel ok about itFeel very confident confident

18 Plenary- Question and Answer! Half of the room will be given a question card and the other half an answer card. You must circulate the room looking for your partner- first pair to find each other win!

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