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CONGRATULATIONS! President Obama has given you permission to create and enforce one new law in the United States. Assume that Congress will agree with.

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Presentation on theme: "CONGRATULATIONS! President Obama has given you permission to create and enforce one new law in the United States. Assume that Congress will agree with."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONGRATULATIONS! President Obama has given you permission to create and enforce one new law in the United States. Assume that Congress will agree with and automatically pass your law. Write it down now.

2 Part II: Convincing the People Now, you must convince the people of the United States that your law is a good idea. List the reasons why they should support this law. Consider the following: -What makes you a credible law-maker? -Why is your law logical? -How will it make people live a better life? -Who would endorse this law?

3 Argumentative Writing

4 What is an Argumentative Essay? Addresses both sides of a claim. Uses evidence to prove a claim. Uses counterclaims to disprove the other side’s claim.

5 What is a claim? In an argument, the writer’s position on an issue or problem. When used in this sense, there may be more than one claim within a work. Example: Sea World should be shut down because it promotes animal cruelty.

6 What is a counterclaim? A claim made to disprove the other side’s point of view Example: Some argue that Sea World provides a means of teaching children about marine life; however, they can learn the same information from books and the Internet instead.

7 What techniques are used in Argumentative Writing? Uses four writing techniques Logical Appeal (logos) Ethical Appeal (ethos) Emotional Appeal (pathos) Cultural/Social Appeal (mythos)

8 What is logical appeal (logos)? The use of reasonable claims and cited evidence to convince the reader. Facts, statistics, charts/graphs, etc. Example: Sea World has logged over 100 incidents of orca aggression, many of which have resulted in trainer injury or death.

9 What is ethical appeal (ethos)? The writer uses evidence that is fair and honest to appear knowledgeable. The writer convinces the reader that he/she is credible and should be trusted. Example: On January 11, 2012, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an official branch of the government, issued an official warning to SeaWorld for its “repeated failure” to secure enclosures, which resulted in the death of a sea lion.

10 What is emotional appeal (pathos)? When the writer uses emotions to connect with the reader. The writer appeals to certain feelings, such as fear or pity Example: Beautiful, majestic creatures such as orcas, should not have to suffer abuse and poor living conditions.

11 What is social/cultural appeal (mythos)? The writer makes clear references that everyone is familiar with to evoke the feelings of kinship and shared values. The writer wants you to feel as if you are part of a community. Example: Singer Josh Groban tweeted out “Kudos to @CNN for airing #Blackfish…what amusement parks are doing to our orcas and dolphins is immoral.

12 Check for Understanding Claim: Students should not receive homework. Directions: Identify each piece of supporting information as ethos, logos, pathos, or mythos. 1.Students are exhausted after a long day of school, sports, and socializing – it is terribly cruel to make them work even harder! 2.A study by a group of Australian researchers found that students who spent more time on homework received lower test scores. 3.Albert Einstein dropped out of school entirely and still lived a successful life. 4.The writer is an award-winning journalist who cited research articles and interviews with students in her work.

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