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Discover the world at Leiden University The PhD Regulations 2015 – A Bird’s Eye View Prof. Rick Lawson16 January 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Discover the world at Leiden University The PhD Regulations 2015 – A Bird’s Eye View Prof. Rick Lawson16 January 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discover the world at Leiden University The PhD Regulations 2015 – A Bird’s Eye View Prof. Rick Lawson16 January 2015

2 Discover the world at Leiden University Context Existing regulations from 2008 Enquiries and reflections Inspectorate of Education (Ministry ECS) Rectorencollege  scientific integrity  PhD training programmes Diversity among disciplines

3 Discover the world at Leiden University What is new – for PhD candidates Training and supervision plan (within three months of appointment) In some graduate schools: begeleidings- commissie (feedback and guidance) Explicit: responsibility to comply with rules of academic conduct

4 Discover the world at Leiden University What is new – for supervisors Promotor, co-promotor at least two supervisors (two promotores, or promotor & co-promotor) at most three supervisors (unless permission CvP) Approval of the manuscript within six weeks; ascertain no plagiarism etc. Promotor submits proposal for composition of PhD Committee, but is no longer part of it

5 Discover the world at Leiden University What is new – for PhD Committee [PhD Committee = promotie- of leescommissie ] Chair: the dean (or a substitute) At least three ordinary members … … one of which acts as Secretary (Secretary = a professor appointed in Leiden) … at least two of which not involved … at least two of which are external (external = not appointed at the same Fac.) at least one male, at least one female member

6 Discover the world at Leiden University What is new – for PhD Committee 2 Excluded from membership: Promotor and co-promotor Partner or family of candidate Partner or family of promotor and co-promotor Task of committee members: give a reasoned opinion within six weeks upon a reasoned request, the promotor shall provide the members of the Committee access to the (empirical) data on which the research is based

7 Discover the world at Leiden University What is new – for PhD Committee 3 Procedural steps: 1) committee members submit individual assess- ments (and suggestions) 2) Secretary collects assessments and forwards them, once each member has given his/her assessment, to Chair and other members of Committee 3) Within a week a member may request a meeting of the PhD Committee. Promotor and co- promotor also attend this meeting. 4) If no meeting, Secretary informs promotor of individual assessments and suggestions

8 Discover the world at Leiden University What is new – for PhD Committee 4 Procedural steps, continued: 5) Candidate may adopt suggestions 6) If dissertation is substantially revised, the revised version will be submitted to Committee 7) Committee decides by majority of votes whether to allow the candidate to defend the dissertation 8) Secretary informs candidate, promotor and dean of decision

9 Discover the world at Leiden University PhD Committee procedure manuscript submitted to Committee opinions circulated within Committee Committee adopts decision suggestions meeting suggestions

10 Discover the world at Leiden University What is new – for Opposition Com. [Opposition Committee = oppositiecommissie ] Promotor submits proposal for composition Chair: the rector magnificus (or substitute) Secretary: the dean (or substitute) At least four ordinary members … the majority of which are professors … the majority of which is appointed at Leiden at least one male, at least one female member

11 Discover the world at Leiden University What is new – for Opposition (2) Excluded from membership: Promotor and co-promotor Partner or family of candidate Partner or family of promotor and co-promotor Opposition & defence No major changes Promotor and co-promotor can participate in opposition

12 Discover the world at Leiden University What is new – for Opposition (3) Decision Opposition committee deliberates in camera Promotor: report, assessment and proposal Opposition committee decides; promotor and co- promotor have no vote

13 Discover the world at Leiden University What is new – for cum laude Somewhat stricter requirements Proposal: by promotor or member PhD committee PhD committee must be unanimous Test: thesis belongs to top 5 % Two external referees (proposed by ‘WD’) Dean may consult all professors in the faculty Opposition committee decides; preferably unanimous but at least by a majority promotor and co-promotor have no vote

14 Discover the world at Leiden University Finally… Entry into force of new regulations: 8 February 2015 2008 Regulations will continue to apply to those dissertations for which a PhD committee had already been established prior to the entry into force of the new regulations. Disclaimer: only the authentic version of the Promotiereglement 2015, as adopted by the College voor Promoties is binding. The present presentation is merely intended to give an overview, within the confinements of a PowerPoint presentation, of the some of the major elements contained in the Promotiereglement 2015, and it cannot in itself give rise to rights, obligations and expectations on the part of PhD candidates, promotores, co-promotores or others. Always check the authentic version of the Promotiereglement 2015, once it has been published.

15 Discover the world at Leiden University Thank you -- and good luck

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