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Day 1 Warm-Up Write a journal that begins with the words…“There are many things I find annoying. For example, …”

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Presentation on theme: "Day 1 Warm-Up Write a journal that begins with the words…“There are many things I find annoying. For example, …”"— Presentation transcript:


2 Day 1

3 Warm-Up Write a journal that begins with the words…“There are many things I find annoying. For example, …”


5 Peer Editing Process in which your classmates will read and provide feedback on your narrative Be sure that feedback is positive and helpful “This sucks” is neither positive nor helpful “I like the point you are making here; however, it could use a little more detail about the characters and their reactions.” would be a more positive and helpful approach

6 Editing Your Personal Narratives 1. At your table, trade papers and read each others work from beginning to end. 2. Using a different color pen, read their paper again. This time you are providing feedback on the main ideas of their story. 3. Read the paper for a final time looking for grammar and misspellings 4. Return the paper to its owner and discuss the feedback provided.

7 Finalizing Your Personal Narrative After reading the feedback provided, rewrite your narrative using the below guidelines. Write in Blue or Black ink Double-space your paper Make sure you follow the proper heading format Name Ms. Libby ELA 8-Core 11 Sept. 2014 Title


9 Conflict A struggle between opposing forces Internal Conflict Takes place in the mind of the character External Conflict A character struggles with an outside force or another person

10 Plot Exposition Rising Action Climax Resolution Falling Action

11 Setting Time and place of the action in the story Sometimes it is only a backdrop Sometimes it is the force a character struggles against (source of conflict) Can also create the mood of the story

12 Characters Character Traits Qualities, attitudes, and values a character possesses Character’s Motives Reasons for the characters actions

13 Theme The central message expressed in a story Stated Theme Expressed directly by the author Implied Theme Suggested through what happens to the characters Universal Theme Recurring theme; a message about life expressed regularly in many different cultures and time periods

14 The Three Little Pigs As a class, we will watch the video and identify the elements of a short story.

15 Goldilocks and the Three Bears At your table, watch the video and identify the elements of a short story.

16 Little Red Riding Hood As an individual, watch the video and identify the elements of a short story.

17 Exit Ticket Turn in your “Little Red Riding Hood” work

18 Day 2

19 Warm-Up Write about a time when you did a good deed.


21 Goldilocks and the Three Bears As a group, analyze the video using the elements of short stories. Be sure to address the following: Characters (Traits and Motives) Conflict (Internal v. External) Plot Diagram (Exposition-setting, characters, main problem; Rising Action-at least 2; Climax; Falling Action-at least 2; Resolution) Theme This will be ½ a classwork grade for today.

22 Little Red Riding Hood On your own, analyze the video using the elements of short stories. Be sure to address the following: Characters (Traits and Motives) Conflict (Internal v. External) Plot Diagram (Exposition-setting, characters, main problem; Rising Action-at least 2; Climax; Falling Action-at least 2; Resolution) Theme This will be ½ a classwork grade for today.


24 Anticipation Guide Define the following and identify whether they are nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs: Prodigy Reputation Agree Disagree 1. It is important to help people. 2. Winning is the most important thing in the world. 3. Differences are what make us special. 4. Differences should be celebrated. 5. Mentoring/coaching is just as important as winning.

25 Reading “Raymond’s Run”

26 Day 3

27 Reading “Raymond’s Run”

28 Day 4

29 SSR

30 Warm-Up Pretend you’re a coach and your team is down at half- time. Write a pep talk that will be sure to motivate them to win the game.

31 Reading “Raymond’s Run”

32 Character Map

33 Day 5

34 Warm-Up Review your notes on the Elements of Short Stories

35 Housekeeping Agenda Reading Logs Bonus Points Homework Extra Help Conferences

36 Quiz- “Raymond’s Run” Analyze “Raymond’s Run” using the elements of short stories. Be sure to address the following: Characters-20 points Conflict (please describe the conflict in a 3-5 sentence paragraph)-20 points Plot Diagram-5 points Theme-5 points

37 Have a Great Weekend!

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