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M YSTERY MOVIE... BBC - Learning Zone Class Clips What do you think this clip is showing? What questions does this clip raise?

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Presentation on theme: "M YSTERY MOVIE... BBC - Learning Zone Class Clips What do you think this clip is showing? What questions does this clip raise?"— Presentation transcript:

1 M YSTERY MOVIE... BBC - Learning Zone Class Clips What do you think this clip is showing? What questions does this clip raise?

2 T HE S UFFRAGETTES C HALLENGE : W HY AND H OW DID WOMEN IN B RITAIN CAMPAIGN FOR THE RIGHT TO VOTE ? Learning Objectives: To be able to explain the arguments for and against female suffrage To understand why women decided to challenge the government to gain the vote

3 W HAT DOES THIS PAINTING TELL YOU ABOUT EXPECTATIONS OF WOMEN IN V ICTORIAN TIMES ?  Angelic – providing a loving and safe home  Obedient- must obey her husband at all times  A possession- when a woman married, her possessions and the woman herself became her husband’s property  Separate – the home was the woman’s sphere, man’s outside the home  Pale and delicate in appearance  Silent – women shouldn’t attend meetings or speak about politics at all George Hick’s painting portrays the ‘ideal’ wife

4 W HAT DOES THIS PAINTING TELL YOU ABOUT EXPECTATIONS OF WOMEN IN V ICTORIAN TIMES ? THINK What arguments would you expect to be used against allowing women the vote? Who do you think would have been against women gaining the vote? What-inspired-the- suffragettes

5 A RGUMENTS ‘F OR ’ AND ‘A GAINST ’ Take a role in pairs: (1) ‘Against’ votes for women (2) ‘For’ votes for women Use appropriate information sheets Read Summarise arguments Then write a short speech to support the viewpoint you have researched

6 H OMEWORK You will be working on a short movie in groups of 3-4 to show the different ways in which women campaigned for the vote To begin this process you need to start your research by watching your choice of 3 movies from the BBC and using this to explain the difference between suffragettes and suffragists (see link on VLE) There is also some additional scanned in information on the VLE

7 Womens quiz

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