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유전공학이란 ? GENETIC ENGINEERING 생물환경학과 김 정 호 Department of Bio-Environmental Science

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1 유전공학이란 ? GENETIC ENGINEERING 생물환경학과 김 정 호 Department of Bio-Environmental Science

2 유전  유전 (Heredity)  염색체, 유전자 (Chromosome, Gene)

3 유전공학이란 ?  유전공학 (Genetic Engineering) DNA 또는 다른 핵산의 변형 및 재조합과 같은 인위적인 조작을 통하여 생명체의 유전물질 ( 유전자 ) 을 변화시키는 기술 재조합 DNA 기술 (Recombinant DNA Technology) 유전자 클로닝 (Gene Cloning) 유전자 조작 (Gene Manipulation) 유전자 변형 (Gene modification) 세포융합, 핵치환 기술 등 포함 생명공학 (Biotechnology) 분자생물학 (Molecular Biology)

4  형질전환 생명체 유전자 변형 생물체 유전자 조작 생물체 생명공학 작물  GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) GEO (Genetically Engineered Organism) LMO (Living Modified Organism) Transgenic organism GMC (Genetically Modified Crop) GM Food (Genetically Modified Food) Genetically Engineered Food 유전자변형 생물체 ?


6 Human Genome Project (HGP)  제안 : 1984  시작 : 1990 US Department of Energy & National Institute of Health James D. Watson at the U.S. NIH Identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA Determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA Store this information in databases Improve tools for data analysis A 15 year project

7 Human Genome Project (HGP)  진행 National Human Genome Research Institute, USA 6 개국 ( 미국, 일본, 영국, 프랑스, 중국, 독일 ) 24 개 기관 Celera Genomics  완료 : 2003. 4. 13 years, $2.7 billion 결과 인간 게놈의 92% 염기서열 결정됨 : GenBank Centromere, Telomere 등의 염기서열 결정 안됨 유전자의 기능과 조절, 개인간 차이점 등에 대한 연구 계속

8 Human Genome Project (HGP)  인간 게놈 프로젝트의 목적은 인간 유전자의 종류와 기능을 밝히고, 이를 통해 개인 간, 인종 간, 환자와 정상인 간의 유전적 차이를 비교하여 질병의 원인을 규명하는데 있다. 이렇게 알아낸 유전 정보는 질병 진단, 난치병 예방, 신약 개발, 개인별 맞춤형 치료 등에 이용될 수 있다는 점에서 큰 의의가 있다.




12 World's first blue roses after 20 years of research After thirteen years of collaborative research by an Australian company, Florigene, and a Japanese company, Suntory, a rose containing the blue pigment delphinidin was created by genetic engineering of a white rose. The genetic engineering involved three alterations – adding two genes, and interfering with another. The company and press have described it as a blue rose, but it is lavender or pale mauve in color. Blue roses have been available in florists in recent years but until now, they have been created by using various dying techniques to stain the petals of naturally white roses. However, the Suntory roses are believed to be the first genetically-modified blue rose creations.

13 합성 유전체 - 인공생명체  John Craig Venter (1946 ~ ) One of the first to sequence the human genome Celera Genomics the first to transfect a cell with a synthetic genome Synthetic Life, Artificial Life Mycoplasma laboratorium J. Craig Venter Institute, Synthetic Genomics The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) CEO of Human Longevity Inc.

14 Craig Venter close to creating synthetic life New Scientist, 12 March 2013 For the first time we are close to creating artificial life from scratch. So says CraigVenter, founder of the J. Craig Venter Institute in Rockville, Maryland, and famed for creating the first cell with a synthetic genome. “We think we’re close, but we’ve not submitted a paper yet,” he said at the Global Grand Challenges summit in London this week. Venter announced in 2010 that he had brought to life an almost completely synthetic version of the bacterium Mycoplasma mycoides, by transplanting it into the vacant shell of another bacterium.

15 Craig Venter close to creating synthetic life Venter’s latest creation, which he has dubbed the Hail Mary Genome, will be made from scratch with genes he and his institute colleagues, Clyde Hutchison and Hamilton Smith, consider indispensable for life. The team is using computer simulations to better understand what is needed to create a simple, self-replicating cell. “Once we have a minimal chassis, we can add anything else to it,” he says. Venter’s quest to engineer algae to produce more oil than usual is also going well. “We’ve been able to increase photosynthesis threefold, meaning that we get three times as much energy per photon [of sunlight] as from natural algae,” he says. He also announced that his programme to scour the oceans for novel microscopic life has so far turned up 80 million genes new to biology.

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