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Welcome to our service Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Please visit our website:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our service Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Please visit our website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our service Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Please visit our website:

2 Genesis 21 – Abimelech and the well Covenant Usually the weaker seeks to make covenant with the stronger Evidently Abraham had not thus far perceived his superiority, as he saw fit to lie about his wife to preserve his life Realising God is with you is a game changer 2 Samuel 5 verse 12 – it dawns on David the God had established him as king Swear by God Numbers 30 v 20 Deuteronomy 10 v 20 A change of character for Abraham Prepared to stand by his word Not trying to deceive any more Realising finally that God’s word to him is true

3 Genesis 21: Abimelech and the well We come to God as covenant people seeking to enter into a covenant with Him – the weaker asking the mercy of the stronger Abraham is a type of the Father – more of that in chapter 22 Abimelech perceives that this covenant is for generations to come. Abraham says, “I will swear” – He finally realises he can trust God His confidence shows in that he rebukes Abimelech

4 Genesis 21: Abimelech and the well What is the Biblical significance of wells? Wells equate to The Word 1.They provide a resource for life – particularly in an arid region 2.They provide a place where human effort is needed to draw from them – streams and springs are natural and on the surface; wells are dug to obtain hidden water: miym hiyeem. John 4 – Jesus and the woman at the well – drink this water and you will never thirst again 3.Lack of water leads to death – we shall not live by bread alone (Matt 4 v 4) 4.They satisfy emotional needs – 2 Samuel 23 v 15 (like God’s word)

5 Genesis 21: Abimelech and the well 5.Wells were a place of worship and sometimes the object of it Numbers 21 v 16 – 18 Genesis 26 v 25 We worship provoked by the word and we worship the living word 6.A place where the bridegroom meets his bride-to-be Rebekah – Gen 24 v 10-27 Rachel – Gen 29 v 1-11 Moses met the seven daughters of Ruel, one of whom became his wife – Exodus 2 v 15 – 19 Those that meet Christ meet Him at the well of the word Note: these were also shepherdesses – taking the flock to the living water 7.Wells were a cause for contention, as seen here and in Genesis 26 The well of God’s word is also a cause for contention

6 Genesis 21: Abimelech and the well 8.They were also a place for cooperation – making corporate efforts to obtain what was necessary for life Genesis 29 v 2 – 10 – the custom was to meet at the well but not remove the stone until all were present with their flocks The joint effort was to ensure all obtained water whilst protecting the supply, maintaining the well and keeping it from being polluted The church gathers around the well of the word for collective thirst quenching and also deals with whatever might poison the well 9.The well was a meeting place and introduces a pattern Man comes to a foreign land Encounters a girl or girls Someone draws water Girl runs home and announces the visitor’s arrival The visitor is invited to a meal This models our salvation: Christ comes for his bride!

7 Genesis 21: Abimelech and the well 10.They were landmarks You can navigate by the word 11.They were a hiding place 2 Samuel 17 v 18 – 21 Our lives are hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3 v 3 12.They were often a metaphor Proverbs 5 Song of Songs 4 v 14 Proverbs 23 v 27 Sometimes of grace, sometimes of judgement – like The Word The Hebrew word well (b’er) has given rise to Be’er ( to explain or expound, so Rabbis associated the well with the word

8 Genesis 21: Abimelech and the well The well was seen as a place of divine revelation The Angel of The Lord to Hagar – twice – Ber la hai roy Revelation given at a source of life giving water by the one who gives life Just like The Word So Abraham Reaches a point where he lives in the fulfilment of God’s word Realises God is with him Experiences a change of heart and becomes devoted to honesty Wants his well back – that which symbolises God’s life giving provision Like a man being born again

9 Genesis 21: Abimelech and the well The well was – and still is – called Beersheba The well of the covenant Also the well of seven – the number of completeness Symbolic of a work being completed in Abraham Clearly Abraham felt the need to bring credibility to his claim that he had dug the well The seven ewe lambs at the well of seven, also covenant, did this His final act is one of worship He stayed in the land of the Philistines many days As a type of The Father – God came and dwelt with sinners many days He also dwelt many days with the gentile church

10 Welcome to our service Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Please visit our website:

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