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#laterlifematters. Myth-busting: Making the Most of Older People.

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Presentation on theme: "#laterlifematters. Myth-busting: Making the Most of Older People."— Presentation transcript:

1 #laterlifematters

2 Myth-busting: Making the Most of Older People

3 Barbara Keeley MP Shadow Older People’s Minister Myth-busting

4 Rt Hon Lord David Willetts Executive Chair, Resolution Foundation Myth-busting

5 Rt Hon Paul Burstow Professor of Health & Social Care Myth-busting


7 A revolution in survival Number of centenarians in the UK, 1981-2081

8 @100







15 percent of all adults 85 and over have FOUR or MORE health conditions Source: Newcastle 85+ Study: Collerton et al (2009)

16 percent of all adults 80 years old and over need 7 day a week 24 hour care Source: Jagger et al (2011)

17 percent of all adults 80 years old and over need help several times a day Source: Jagger et al (2011)

18 percent of all adults 80 years old and over need a little help Source: Jagger et al (2011)

19 percent of all adults 80 years old and over live independently Source: Jagger et al (2011)


21 Care worker SHORTAGE Source: Moved to Care, ILC-UK/Independent Age 2015


23 EXTRA 24/7 care places needed Source: Jagger et al (2011)



26 Simon Bottery Director of Policy, Independent Age Myth-busting

27 Lucian Camp Principal, Lucian Camp Consulting Myth-busting

28 Three myths about financial communications for older people February 2016

29 Three people aged 85 Sean Connery Warren Buffett My Auntie Daphne

30 It’s a four-box grid, not a two-box grid Affluence Engagement

31 Rules for communicating financial propositions to older people

32 Make sure the type is readable Can’t think of any other rules

33 Adrian Bagg CEO, MHA Myth-busting

34 MHA’s ask: Help us to change the nation’s perception of older people (from a liability to an asset) Myth-busting

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