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CH. 16 AMERICA IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM.  Al Gore (Democrat) vs. George W. Bush (Republican)  Gore won the popular vote by ½ million votes  Came down.

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2  Al Gore (Democrat) vs. George W. Bush (Republican)  Gore won the popular vote by ½ million votes  Came down to Florida  Bush’s brother was Governor  At first, Bush was in the lead  Recount found Bush was 1,000 votes short  Questions surrounding accuracy  Gore took the issue to the Supreme Court  George Bush declared president ELECTION OF 2000: BUSH VS. GORE


4  Islamic Terrorist hijacked 4 US airliners  Crashed the planes:  World Trade Center in New York City, NY  Pentagon Building in Washington, D.C.  A field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania  Passengers resisted the terrorists and crashed the plane on purpose  3,000 people were killed  Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda  Took credit for the attacks SEPTEMBER 11 TH, 2001

5  Bush launched a “war” on countries harboring terrorists  Oct. 2001 air and ground assaults destroyed many al-Qaeda bases  Osama bin Laden eluded capture/death  USA PATRIOT Act  Greatly expanded the government’s law enforcement powers  Government could now search, use surveillance, detain immigrants, monitor bank accounts  NSA (National Security Agency) could wiretap calls WAR ON TERROR

6  Fear that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein might provide weapons to bin Laden  Bush believed Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (WMD)  Began war against Iraq  Hussein was captured and executed by Iraqis in 2006  New government established  First Arab democracy  Many Iraqis became angry that foreigners were intervening in their country  Many disliked America  Bush sent more troops to secure and protect Iraq WAR IN IRAQ

7  Led to the evacuation and flooding of almost 80% of New Orleans and other parts of the Gulf Coast  Hurricane’s power exceeded the engineering of the New Orleans levees  1,800+ people died  Rescue efforts were so delayed that people were stranded on rooftops and in attics  20,000+ people were trapped in the Superdome HURRICANE KATRINA

8  Worst crisis since the Great Depression.  After stock market drop in 2000, Federal Reserve lowered interest rates to stimulate the economy  Many took advantage of this and bought new houses  Some banks lent money to people who really couldn't afford the houses they were buying  Eventually home prices rose  As homeowners couldn’t afford their homes, they were forced to sell them to banks or investors (foreclosure)  Several investment firms began to fail and banks stopped lending FINANCIAL CRISIS OF 2008-2009


10  One of the hardest fought elections in US History  Hillary Clinton ran for Democratic Party  Barack Obama was a young senator from Illinois  Received a tremendous boost when Oprah Winfrey endorsed him  Senator John McCain ran on the Republican ticket  Sarah Palin Vice-Presidential candidate  Obama is elected  Appealed to young people, minorities, opponents of the Iraqi War 2008 ELECTIONS

11  Wanted to stimulate the economy by producing jobs, rebuilding roads, bridges, schools, etc.  Proposed changes to healthcare and education  American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009  $700 billion spent to help the economy  Creating new jobs, saving existing jobs, invest in long term infrastructure development  Passed legislation to regulate credit cards, lending, and banks  Passed universal healthcare despite controversy OBAMA’S RESPONSE TO THE CRISIS

12  Sonia Sotomayor  First Hispanic Justice and third female justice to serve on Supreme Court  Elena Kagan  Another female Justice appointed to the Supreme Court SUPREME COURT APPOINTMENTS

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