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Land Management Surveys How farm practices have changed over the past 20 years Tim Herrmann Conservation and Land Management Department of Environment,

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Presentation on theme: "Land Management Surveys How farm practices have changed over the past 20 years Tim Herrmann Conservation and Land Management Department of Environment,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Management Surveys How farm practices have changed over the past 20 years Tim Herrmann Conservation and Land Management Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources

2 Total - 15.6 million ha Private ownership - 13.3 million ha Ag production - 10.6 million ha Native vegetation - 3.4 million ha Agricultural areas of SA  National parks - 1.2 million ha  Private land - 2.2 million ha  Heritage - 0.5 million ha  Other - 1.7 million ha Farm gate value of field crops and livestock SA (2013-14 ) $2.9 Billion



5 Sources of information for managing their farming (2014 survey) (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)

6 Reasons for being involved in landcare/farming systems groups (2014 survey) (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)

7 Views on the future outlook of farming business (2014 survey) (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)

8 Use of GPS technologies for cropping (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)

9 Burning (usually or occasionally) Long cultivated fallow (usually or occasionally) Confinement feeding (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)

10 Adoption of No-Till and one-pass sowing (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)

11 Number of tillage passes (incl sowing) usually undertaken to sow a cereal crop (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)

12 Timing of first cultivation (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)


14 Target groundcover immediately prior to sowing (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)

15 Types of stubble/residue burning 2014 (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)

16 Sentinel Hotspots on cleared agricultural land (March to June) Geoscience Australia, MODIS imagery Note: Hotspots mainly detects ‘hot’ burns

17 Lime application Approx 200,000 t lime required each year to balance annual acidification Lime sales only about 50% of annual acidification rate Annual lime sales in SA (`000 t)

18 Annual lime application (‘000 tonnes, mean last 10 years to 2015)

19 Understanding the causes and treatment of soil acidity (2014) (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)

20 Methods used to overcome water repellence (DEWNR Land Manager Survey)

21 Thank You Healthy Soils for Premium Food

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