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 Bright-field  Dark-field  Phase Contrast  Fluorescence.

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2  Bright-field  Dark-field  Phase Contrast  Fluorescence

3  Produces image made from light transmitted through specimen  Staining needed to see, but kills cell  Light comes from internal or external source through a condenser and refracted through objective lens



6  A special condenser is used so only the light reflected off the specimen enters the objective  No staining needed, so organism may not die  Often better resolution than bight-field microscope  Specimen is bright and background is dark


8  Special optical components show subtle differences in reflective components of cell to produce contrast  Specimen and its parts appear as various levels of darks and lights


10  Uses fluorescent dye on specimen that emits fluorescence when illuminated with ultraviolet radiation  Sometimes specimen has its own fluorescing chemicals and no dye is needed


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