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Root Words in Your Comp Book Derived Words Word Defin Sentence corporation, corpse, corpuscle cranium epistemicepistemic, epistomology fovea hyaline, hyaloid.

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Presentation on theme: "Root Words in Your Comp Book Derived Words Word Defin Sentence corporation, corpse, corpuscle cranium epistemicepistemic, epistomology fovea hyaline, hyaloid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Root Words in Your Comp Book Derived Words Word Defin Sentence corporation, corpse, corpuscle cranium epistemicepistemic, epistomology fovea hyaline, hyaloid Pictogram corpor- crani- epistem- fove- hyal- body skull Knowledge/science shallow round depression glass

2 11. Is there value in nonconformity? Do we live in a society that encourages being different? [Pg. 109] 12.Bob Dylan once wrote…..“A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” Although it seems a stretch to use the word “success” in any discussion of the Walls’ lifestyle, using Dylan’s definition, could we say that Rex and Rose Mary were a success? How do you define success? [pg. 113]

3 On the back of your Success & Failure slip, answer the question Who is the most successful person in the book?” RAP+ Restate Answer Prove (text evidence) + Explain how your text evidence PROVES it

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