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E NVIRONMENTAL A UDIT By- Prajyoti P. Upganlawar Faculty, Civil engineering department, S.P.B Patel Engineering College.

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Presentation on theme: "E NVIRONMENTAL A UDIT By- Prajyoti P. Upganlawar Faculty, Civil engineering department, S.P.B Patel Engineering College."— Presentation transcript:

1 E NVIRONMENTAL A UDIT By- Prajyoti P. Upganlawar Faculty, Civil engineering department, S.P.B Patel Engineering College.

2 INTRODUCTION Environmental audits are intended to quantify environmental performance and environmental position of an industry/organization. Environmental auditing is mandatory only in cases stipulated by law. Environmental audit reports ideally contains a statement of environmental performance and position. The systematic examination of the interactions between any business operation and its surrounding.


4 DEFINITION According to United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Environmental Audit (EA) is a management tool comprising of a systematic, documented, periodic and objective evaluation of how well the environmental management systems (EMS) are performing.

5 EA IN INDIA Introduced in 1992. With overall objective of :- 1. Minimizing consumption of resources. 2. Promoting use of clean technologies. 3. Minimize generation of waste. First country in world to make EA mandatory.

6 EA SHOULD PROVIDE ANSWERS TO FOLLOWING QUESTIONS What are we doing? Can we do it better? Can we do it more cheaply?

7 O BJECTIVES OF EA Waste prevention and reduction Assessing compliance with regulatory requirement. Facilitating control of environmental practices by a company’s management. Placing environmental information in public domain.

8 E A PROCEDURE A Pre-audit activities Questionnaire and interview Background information Information about industry Data collection,Sampling, Monitoring(thrice in a year) Detailed site inspection Audit team at the site B Activities at site C Post-Audit activities Synthesis of data Compliances of industry w.r.t water act, air act, EPA act etc. Circulate draft,audit report for comments

9 A UDIT REPORTS 7 copies 1. 3 copies to GPCB 2. 2 to high court 3. 1 with industry 4. 1 with Environemental auditor Audit report submission by 31 st Jan every year.

10 B ENEFITS OF AUDITING Assesses compliance with the regulation. Promotes sustainable development. It gives an opportunity for comprehensive review of environmental policies, management systems, organizations and practice. Increase awareness of environmental policies and responsibilities. More efficient resources use and finanacial saving. Promotes “Good Practices” Upto date data which helps in making decisions on plant modification or expansion.

11 T EAM OF EA Environmental engineer Chemical engineer Chemist / chemical technologist Microbiologist

12 F ORMAT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT Period from 1/1/2013 to 31/12/2013

13 EA report Product details Water, air,odour Solid/ hazardous waste Resource recovery Health Accidents Safety, measures Noise Cases/co mplaints Compliance Hazrdous chemicals Public liability insurance Water cess Consultant Signatures General information

14 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT By- Prajyoti P. Upganlawar Faculty, Civil engineering department, S.P.B Patel Engineering College.

15 INTRODUCTION A formal process for identifying: likely effects of activities or projects on the ENVIRONMENT, and on human health and welfare. Means and measures to mitigate & monitor these impacts. EIA is mandatory for various developments project in the world.

16 DEFINITION EIA may be defined as “ the systematic identification and evaluation of the potential impacts of proposed projects, plans, programs or legislative actions on the physical, chemical, biological, cultural and socio-economic components of the total environment.” OR

17 EIA may be defined as the documentation of an environmental analysis which includes identification, interpretation, prediction, and mitigation of impacts caused by a proposed project.

18 O BJECTIVES OF EIA In India, EIA was made mandatory in 1984 under the environment protection act 1986 with the following four objectives- 1. Predict environmental impacts of project. 2. Find ways and means to reduce adverse impacts. 3. Shape projects to suit local environment. 4. Present predictions and options to decision makers.

19 T YPES OF EIA Rapid EIA  Limited adverse impact.  Data collection for only one season.  Carried for a minimum period of 3 months. Comprehensive EIA  Major adverse impact.  Carried for a period of 16 months  Data collection for 3 season (i.e over a year).

20 NEED OF EIA When a project is undertaken it disturbs the environmental balance. To maintain quality of environment it is essential that its impacts should be studied. It promotes sustainable and holistic development of the projects by taking remedial measures.

21 G OALS OF EIA Resources conservation Waste minimization Recovery by product Efficient use of equipment Sustainable development

22 M ETHODOLOGY OF EIA Organizing job Performing the assessment Writing EIS Review of EIS

23 O RGANIZING THE JOB Interdisciplinary team is constituted to conduct analysis of impact on environment. Consists of group of geologists, agronomists, chemists, ecologists, hydrologists, engineers etc. Decide whether project is required or not.

24 P ERFORMING THE ASSESSMENT Site visit Identification and evaluation Discussion of alternatives Preparation of checklist Measurement of environmental impact due to the project

25 P REPARATION OF EIS EIS is the conclusion of EIA. It is written to ensure policies and goals defined by NEPA are included into the ongoing programmes. Contained following items:- Description of site of the project. Description of proposed project, purpose of action, its goal and objectives. Environmental impact of the proposed project. The unavoidable adverse effects. Alternatives of the activity.

26 Relationship of proposed activity to the exsisting land use plans. Relationship between local short term uses and long term productivity of the resources. Modifications in proposed project.

27 R EVIEW OF EIS Public hearing. Proposed project is made available to the public through press. The affected person may include-  Bonafide local residents.  Local associations.  Environmental groups active in the area.  Any other person located at proposed site.

28 One month is given for public inspection. Opportunity to make oral/written suggestions. A decision is finally taken to either approve or reject the proposed project.

29 P ROCEDURE OF EIA Proponent Feasibility study / project proposal Screening Mandatory projects Other projects Excluded projects EIA required Base line data collection Impact prediction Assessment of alternative EIA report Public hearing Technical committe ApprovedNot approved

30 After approval EIS and Certification Project implementation Environmental impact monitoring Commisioning Audit

31 L IMITATIONS OF EIA EIA should be undertaken at policy and planning level rather than at project level. Range of possible alternatives in project EIA is often small. No criteria to decide what type of projects are to undergo EIA. Lack of environmental information base, limitation of time, manpower and financial resources make EIA very complicated. EIA reports are too academic, bureaucratic and lengthy makes difficult for a common man to understand. EIA ends immediately after project clearance, no follow up action is taken. More research and development of improved methodologies is required to overcome limitations.

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