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Data Supporting Math 096 Supplemental Instruction Intervention LaGuardia Community College Frank Wang, Marina Dedlovskaya, Joyce Zaritsky, Prabha Betne.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Supporting Math 096 Supplemental Instruction Intervention LaGuardia Community College Frank Wang, Marina Dedlovskaya, Joyce Zaritsky, Prabha Betne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Supporting Math 096 Supplemental Instruction Intervention LaGuardia Community College Frank Wang, Marina Dedlovskaya, Joyce Zaritsky, Prabha Betne February 18, 2011

2 2

3 26.7% All Student Average 2%0% AVERAGEAVERAGE -2%8% Writing Only Math Only By Developmental Need (Writing vs. Math) Need writing development only: 35.3% Graduated Need math development only : 24.7% Graduated Data from 6-year grad rate study -4%6%4%10% By Developmental Need (Writing vs. Math)

4 Basic Skills Students Data from fall 2003 cohort of new, first- time students with valid test scores 4 Six-year Graduation Rates


6 Snapshot: MAT 096 Fall I 2009 Pass course: 516/1265=40.8% Pass COMPASS: 504/1265=39.8% Pass COMPASS among those who pass course: 493/586=84.1%

7 MAT 096: 6 hours per week 4 hours lecture 1 hour computer lab 1 hour tutoring

8 MAT096 Online Materials: EDUCO Tutorials Homework (5%) Online Quizzes (15%, 3 attempts) Online Departmental Midterm Exam (20%) Online Departmental Final Exam (25%)

9 What is EDUCO (student view)

10 What is EDUCO (instructor view)

11 Snapshot: MAT 096 Fall I 2009 Pass course: 516/1265=40.8% Pass COMPASS: 504/1265=39.8% Pass COMPASS among those who pass course: 493/586=84.1%

12 “Extra Tutoring” Model Two extra mandatory tutoring hours was built into the class schedule (8 hours per week) The tutor hours are facilitated by a tutor in class Extra tutoring sections MAT095MAT096 # sectionsPass rate# sectionsPass rate Spring 1, 2008150%0NA Spring 1, 2009157%128% Fall 1, 2009442%541% Spring 1, 20100NA1

13 MAT 096: 2011 Spring Classic (control group) 4 hours lecture 1 hour computer lab 1 hour tutoring (by tutor) API model (25 sections, or ~50% of all MAT 096) 4 hours lecture assisted by API 1 hour computer lab assisted by API 1 hour tutoring (by API) Plus voluntary out-of-class API group study sessions

14 What is API API is a non-remedial peer tutoring program modeled on a nationally recognized one, Supplemental Instruction (S.I.) API targets difficult or "high risk" courses - those with a high rate of D, F, or W grades and then provides regularly scheduled out-of-class peer facilitated sessions for these courses. S.I. is currently in place in over 1000 institutions of higher learning both nationally and abroad. At LaGuardia, we have been serving students since the spring of 1993. In API, once a "high risk" course has been selected, an API student leader is hired. This is a LaGuardia student who has completed the course, earned a grade of B+ or higher, and received a recommendation from a faculty member. The student then re-attends the course, takes notes and organizes a minimum of three out-of-class API group study sessions per week. During these study sessions, the tutor reviews the material covered in class using collaborative or group learning principles while promoting active problem solving. Our statistics mirror and often exceed national ones. Students at LaGuardia who attend API study sessions score on the average one letter higher than those who do not.

15 Quality of Peer Tutors Assurance Careful recruitment process Well-designed training regimen Support and reinforcement provided by weekly meetings between Professor Zaritsky and all tutors.

16 Assessment The LaGuardia Office of Institutional Research and Assessment will collect grade distribution and COMPASS pass rate data to compare API and non-API sections. Additionally, the EDUCO software allows the collection of correlation coefficient between student time-on-task and course grade.

17 What is EDUCO (instructor view)

18 EDUCO Data

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