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Environmental organizations. 1. Environmental Law Center Center for Environmental Law (CPE) is an independent think tank and consultancy specializing.

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1 Environmental organizations

2 1. Environmental Law Center Center for Environmental Law (CPE) is an independent think tank and consultancy specializing in environmental law. Center was established in 1999. is headquartered in Wroclaw and has the status of charitable organizations. It operates in a consultative and advisory body of legislation.

3 2. Greenpeace Greenpeace is an international NGO, working since 1971 to protect the environment. This organization focuses on most important, global threats to biodiversity and the environment. The aim of the campaign led by Greenpeace, is to focus public attention on six main issues which relate to areas of environmental protection - the protection of forests and rainforests, conservation of the oceans and seas, protection against toxic substances, global warming and climate change, energy and genetically modified organisms.

4 3. Polish Ecological Club Polish Ecological Club (PKE) was founded in 1980 in Cracow as an independent environmental organization. PKE was the first in Poland, developed the idea of ​​sustainable development by presenting it during the session component for the ecology of the Round Table. The idea spawned in transition today is the basis of environmental policy of the Polish state.

5 4. Association of European Centre of Sustainable Development Association of the European Centre for Sustainable Development (CEZR), headquartered in Wroclaw has existed since 2002, bringing together professional people associated with European integration, environmental protection measures for the labor market and the development of NGOs. Moreover CEZR conducts the educational and advisory in the field: European integration, promotion of economic activities, rural development, creating partnerships and international.

6 5. Association for Nature "Wolf" Association for Nature "Wolf" has existed since 1996 in the village Lipowa. It deals with the protection of wildlife, especially activities for mammalian carnivores - wolves, lynxes, bears, otters, badgers and other species. Following several years of efforts of the Association for Nature "Wolf" was completed a large animal crossing the express road S-69, in Laliki. Been negotiated poprowdzenie 200 m section of road on the flyover, so animals can roam freely below the road.

7 Thanks for your attention! The prezentation was made by: Amelia Wasik Monika Wiśniewska

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