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Tiger Shark Alberto Gutierrez. Tiger Shark to humans Tiger Shark is on one of the largest Shark in existence considered second most dangerous. Up to 18’(5.5m);1,780.

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Presentation on theme: "Tiger Shark Alberto Gutierrez. Tiger Shark to humans Tiger Shark is on one of the largest Shark in existence considered second most dangerous. Up to 18’(5.5m);1,780."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tiger Shark Alberto Gutierrez

2 Tiger Shark to humans Tiger Shark is on one of the largest Shark in existence considered second most dangerous. Up to 18’(5.5m);1,780 lbs (807kg).

3 What does the Tiger Shark eat? Tiger Shark eats anything that go’s in front of it but the most thing it likes is meat. They even eat junk to. They like fish to!!!!

4 The Tiger Shark’s Home or Environment The Tiger Shark home is in open ocean, ocean or bay shallows, Estuaries, tidal flats and salt marshes.

5 The Tiger Shark’s Protection The Tiger Shark protects it’s itself by using it’s strips by making it’s body invisible it terns to the color of the ocean.

6 The Tiger Shark’s Babies This is a picture of a Tiger Shark’s baby it’s mom is protecting The baby from danger. The little Tiger Shark is happy swimming with her mom

7 Interesting Facts Of Tiger Shark’s The first interesting fact is Tiger Sharks are very dumb that’s why they eat every thing like trash. The second fact is a Tiger Shark even eat bird’s to. Third their baby’s look so weird they look kind of whitish. Fourth Tiger Shark don’t let their baby’s far from them. Last be safe from danger.

8 Website Resources &src=IE-SearchBox&FORM=IE8SRC &src=IE-SearchBox&FORM=IE8SRC


10 I Hope you enjoyed it

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