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A Science & Social Studies Exploration. OBJECTIVES Upon completing the unit, the student will be able to: Describe the Great Barrier Reef and how it was.

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Presentation on theme: "A Science & Social Studies Exploration. OBJECTIVES Upon completing the unit, the student will be able to: Describe the Great Barrier Reef and how it was."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Science & Social Studies Exploration

2 OBJECTIVES Upon completing the unit, the student will be able to: Describe the Great Barrier Reef and how it was formed Identify the location of the Great Barrier Reef relative to Australia Tell the major animals that use the Great Barrier Reef Discuss the major threats to the Great Barrier Reef

3 … At A Glance… A Few Interesting Facts

4 Fact: The Great Barrier Reef is located on the northeast corner of Australia. Australia is known as The Land Down Under and is an island, a country, and a continent! Australia

5 Fact: The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system What is Coral?

6 Fact: The Great Barrier Reef has over 900 islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometers What is a kilometer?

7 Fact: The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space GBR from outer space!

8 Fact: The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most biodiverse places on earth. Thirty species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises have been recorded Six species of sea turtles come to the reef to breed 215 species of birds visit the reef or nest or roost on the islands Seventeen species of sea snake live on the Great Barrier Reef More than 1,500 fish species live on the reef GBR Food Web

9 Fact: The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the natural world and, pulling away from it and viewing it from a greater distance, you can understand why. It is larger than the Great Wall of China and the only living thing on earth visible from space. places/oceans/oceans-barrier-reef/

10 Where Is The Great Barrier Reef? The marine park stretches along the northeastern coast of Australia - an island country that is its own continent in the Southern Hemisphere between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Some estimate the distance as from 2,500 kilometers to 3,000 kilometers long. The reef is between 15 kilometers and 150 kilometers off shore and around 65 km wide in some parts. Maps GBR Maps

11 Why is the Great Barrier Important? Its ecosystem supports the greatest concentration of life on this planet with its resident marine life including 1,500 species of fish, 350 different kinds of coral, 4000 species of mollusks and 10,000 species of sponges. It also provides breeding areas for humpback whales, sea turtles dugong and seabirds. Hundreds of species of algae, including seaweeds, also live on the reef as a vital part of the reef system. ngered_animals/endangeredanimals_2.htm

12 Challenges to the Great Barrier Reef The GBR in the news… Half of Great Barrier Reef coral lost in last 27 years. This News will Stop You Cold: Great Barrier Reef is Heating Up nce-science/t/news-will-stop-you-cold-great-barrier-reef- heating/

13 Threats to the Great Barrier Reef Storms / Cyclones Starfish Bleach Tourists Global Warming


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