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In English this week we have been looking at the book “Lila and the Secret of Rain.” We began by responding to illustrations and describing scenes before.

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Presentation on theme: "In English this week we have been looking at the book “Lila and the Secret of Rain.” We began by responding to illustrations and describing scenes before."— Presentation transcript:

1 In English this week we have been looking at the book “Lila and the Secret of Rain.” We began by responding to illustrations and describing scenes before reading and responding to the text. In maths we have developed our understanding of numbers to and across 100. We have also learnt to skip count in 2s 5s and 10s.

2 In phonics Miss Walton’s class have learnt alternate spellings of “oe” : ow as in blow, oa as in goat, oe as in toe and o-e as in bone. Miss Turpin’s group have been learning the alternate spellings for the ch sound : tch and ture and the “j” sound : j as in jelly, dge as in dodge and g as in giraffe. Miss Coupland’s group have learnt the new graphemes i-e – pine a-e – cake and o-e – bone.

3 This week we have been focussing on Geography and have been finding out about Kenya (the setting for our story) as well learning how to use an atlas, map or globe to locate Kenya and the United Kingdom. Tuesday 9 th – KS1 sports afternoon.

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