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Exactly what do we mean by the term ‘urban poverty’? What characteristics might this have? Can you define the term ‘deprivation’?

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Presentation on theme: "Exactly what do we mean by the term ‘urban poverty’? What characteristics might this have? Can you define the term ‘deprivation’?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exactly what do we mean by the term ‘urban poverty’? What characteristics might this have? Can you define the term ‘deprivation’?

2 In 3s, annotate the following images to identify patterns in urban poverty. PATTERN: Common features or similarities between different parts of the city. Can you suggest any reasons why certain areas of your allocated city might be deprived or in poverty? You may wish to consider how the city has grown over time, and what urban processes might affect where we find areas of urban poverty.






8 Factors Affecting Urban Poverty 1. Physical characteristics of the site and immediate environments High status housing tend to evolve at environmentally favourable locations, e.g. waterfront, appealing view. Shanties found near less desirable areas, polluted river banks, marshes, etc 2. Competition for location and space Housing market situation, accessibility and pattern of land value. Levels of income: determines ability to bid for choice locations. 3. Historical factors Historical process of growth (usually outwards) and decay (inner) in the city structure. Especially applicable to cities with long history of urbanisation. 4. Institutional factors Policies and legislation which determines access to affordable housing, subsidy, mortage etc. Local government can influence the quality of existing housing through renewal and upgrading plans.

9 We’ll apply these factors to our 2 case studies Hong Kong - HIC Lagos - LIC


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