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UEC Government Relations Sub-Committee Sandra G. Biedron, Chair and Jesus Orduna, Deputy Chair UEC Meeting and DC Trip Planning Meeting 30 January 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "UEC Government Relations Sub-Committee Sandra G. Biedron, Chair and Jesus Orduna, Deputy Chair UEC Meeting and DC Trip Planning Meeting 30 January 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 UEC Government Relations Sub-Committee Sandra G. Biedron, Chair and Jesus Orduna, Deputy Chair UEC Meeting and DC Trip Planning Meeting 30 January 2015

2 Agenda for today

3 Goals for today Hear from Nigel, Carole, and Mike on the lab and what is happening in D.C. Review the status of where we stand to make the D.C. trip a reality. (THIS TALK) Review the packet of materials. Discuss the message with Katie. Review how one goes about setting up a meeting for an office. Guidance on visiting a Congressional office. Pretend you are on an office visit and that you can convey our message.

4 This is an EXCITING year to be doing this trip!!!!! Examples ▫P5 report is important ▫LBNF collaboration meeting last week ▫Accelerator R&D sub-panel will have a report soon ▫First call for funding on accelerator stewardship R&D by HEP We are an enthusiastic team and can convey the importance of particle physics – the science, the machines, the many spin-offs……

5 What happened this week so far? Congressman Foster – Tuesday phone call Staff of Congressman Lipinski – Sandra had a phone call with Jason Day Thursday morning. We will review the notes of these phone calls later today.

6 Committee and Assignments Website – Thomas Strauss and Tulika Bose (last year was Marcelle Soares-Santos) January Planning Meeting – Fernanda Garcia and Fabio Happacher (last year was Greg Snow) Packet - Tulika Bose and Linda Spentzouris (Last year was Tulika Bose) 1-Pager (Message) – Sandra Biedron and Lee Roberts (last year was Breese Quinn and Lee Roberts) Logistics – Vivian O’Dell (Last year was Andre de Gouvea) Primary Meeting Assignment –Sandra Biedron, Jesus Orduna, and Breese Quinn (called back for duty) - (last year was Breese Quinn and Sandra Biedron) Secondary Meeting Assignment – Jesus Orduna and Thomas Strauss (last year was Breese Quinn, Sandra Biedron, and Craig Group) Special Meetings - Lee Roberts and Breese Quinn (Last year was Lee Roberts) Finance tally and estimates for trip – Linda Spentzouris (This post did not exist in the past.)

7 Updates from these committee members Thanks to those helping on this committee!

8 Wiki Website update Thomas Strauss and Tulika Bose Thomas has the wiki up and running and he is checking that the members of the UEC, FSPA, USLUA, SLUO and other folks going on the trip have connectivity to the wiki. Tulika is gathering the files for the web-site. Vivian will provide the information on the hotel and dinner venues for the web-site.

9 DC planning meeting Thanks Fernanda, Kim, and Bill for organizing today’s event!

10 Packet Tulika Bose and Linda Spentzouris Tulika and Linda have secured the business cards from Kimberly who printed them. Thanks all! We have an example of the packet and will review the materials today. (Details later on.) The packets will need to be assembled and shipped by early March – say by the 9 th to be safe.

11 1-Pager (Message) Sandra Biedron and Lee Roberts Lee Roberts is developing the Congressional testimony. He will circulate as soon as possible. He would like to include DPF and the accelerator professional side. Sandra helping where she can on accelerator side and connecting to the DPB and IEEE NPSS PAST. There is a 2-page leave behind that we are formulating. It will not be able to be finished until we have the budget numbers from Pres Budget. We are also working on talking points. We will need to update both based on president’s budget. We will need to update the testimony based on the release of the accelerator R&D sub-panel report. Katie Yurkewicz is helping immensely with these 2 documents. We will discuss the entire packet later and need to circulate the documents for refinement by our group and other experts.

12 Logistics Vivian O’Dell Vivian and Kim are working on the hotel contract. They will block a group of ~35 rooms. Vivian has reserved the restaurants for dinners. Sandra will need to speak to the URA folks about the morning meeting on 24 March.

13 Status of Primary Connections Jesus Orduna and Sandra Biedron We will describe the entire process at the luncheon talk. We will review with Breese to be certain we have certain districts of interest covered. So there might be some changes on who will be invited, who will be asked to stay back this year, and we might need to seek out others to help to be certain particular districts are covered. (Nothing personal – we just need to maximize the impact for the field.) Update from Jesus – SEE PDF FILE.

14 Secondary Meeting Assignment Jesus Orduna and Thomas Strauss No action yet – after primaries are settled.

15 Who is going on the trip so far? UEC - TBD

16 Who is going on the trip so far? FSPA - TBD

17 Who is going on the trip so far? SLUO – 8 Persons ▫Andrea Albert SLAC Staff Astrophysicist ▫Brendan Wells (SLAC postdoc) ▫Debbie Bard (UCSC grad student) ▫Caitlin Malone (SLAC staff) ▫Michael Kagan (SLAC grad student) ▫Sam Totorica (SLAC postdoc) ▫Chris Davis (SLAC grad student) ▫Eli Rykoff (SLAC grad student)

18 Who is going on the trip so far? USLUA ▫Senior Folks  Harvey Newman  Michael Tuts  Kevin Black  Sarah Demers  Nikos Varelas  Sridhara Dasu <  Usha Mallik ▫Young People  "Gruberg Cazon, Barak R."  Andrew Hard  Dominick Olivito  Giordon Stark  Ho Ling Li  Jessica Metcalfe  Souvik Das

19 Finance tally and estimates for trip Linda Spentzouris Once we know the primary assignments, Linda will circulate the spreadsheet to those as well as any others we might need to invite on the trip. We have $25,000 this year again thanks to Breese’s hard work last year, and Linda and Bill getting the letter into Tim Meyer for approval. One the final roster is decided, all going will need to work with Kim Pearce on the travel. Please try to save money if you can – use miles for airfare, use the metro, etc…

20 Special Meetings Lee Roberts, Harvey Newman, and Breese Quinn Harvey Newman and Lee Roberts are going through the channels to request a meeting with Ernie Moniz. Harvey Newman secured the meetings with DOE- HQ, NSF, OSTP, OMB and DOE-Germantown (details on the next chart). Breese Quinn is organizing the committee meetings.

21 Special Meetings, continued Lee Roberts, Harvey Newman, and Breese Quinn Harvey organized a phone call with a few key trip folks and DOE (Siegrist and Crawford) on 12 January. ▫Sandra will summarize here. Once the President’s budget has been released, there will be a second meeting with the key folks. This meeting will be on 20 or 23 February.

22 From Harvey Newman - USLUA Thursday March 26th 10:00 - DOE HQ – Patricia Dehmer 14:30 (2:30 PM) – OMB/OSTP – Saul Gonzalez (OSTP) and Tali Bar-Shalom (OMB) 17:00 (5:00 PM) - NSF Arlington - Jim Shank Friday March 27th 10:00 - DOE Germantown – Jim Siegrist

23 What we need from YOU in the near future Help with secondaries (clarifications). Help filling out cost estimate form. Help with the scheduling of visits. Help getting office visits with members of Congress in key districts or those with influence. Participation in DC visit 2015. Help with a “local visits information booth” at the FNAL User meeting. Participation on local visits in 2015.


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