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Mahreen Mamoon. About Your Course Instructor Queen Mary, University of London, UK; University of Dhaka, Dhaka City College, Holy Cross School and 7 other.

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Presentation on theme: "Mahreen Mamoon. About Your Course Instructor Queen Mary, University of London, UK; University of Dhaka, Dhaka City College, Holy Cross School and 7 other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mahreen Mamoon

2 About Your Course Instructor Queen Mary, University of London, UK; University of Dhaka, Dhaka City College, Holy Cross School and 7 other schools! Assistant Professor, BRAC Business School, Score Skills Trainer for British Council. [Former employers- NSU, AIUB, QMUL, BC, DHL] Started education as Humanities and arts, shifted to commerce during HSC Wanted to study accounting but shifted to Marketing at DU Wanted to stay in UK- eat, travel, have fun but came back in BD in 2009 Wanted to work in multinational but shifted to university teaching Need to finish PhD but stuck with life !! Believe in learning by doing, Value of life, family and career. WHAT IS YOUR STRATEGY TO DEAL WITH ME?

3 ??? A man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone that enters. Through the second door there is a fire- breathing dragon. How does the man escape?

4 What About You? Sit With four people. You are in the Titanic and Leonardo DeCapreo is the Captain. Still it hit an iceberg However, this time there are enough lifeboats. But you and your team can only pick 5 items to take. The lifeboats will take you to shore in 6-7 days. What are you taking to survive in the ocean

5 BUS 101 Introduction to Business This course will introduce students to the field of business and management and the role business plays in our society. The course offers an overview of basic business and management concepts, terminology, institutions, practices, and operations. It examines the various aspects of business management and their relationships with each other. Apart from familiarizing the students with the knowledge of general business terms, concepts, and theories, this course will help provide them with an overview of the necessary skills and abilities needed to succeed in a business school. William G. Nickels, James M. McHugh & Susan M. McHugh, Understanding Business, (9 th Edition), McGraw-Hill, 2010.

6 Class Plan Class attendance: As per University rules. Note: Students who are unable to attend at least 70% of the total number of classes will not be allowed to sit for the final exam. Quizzes: 3 quizzes will be taken of which the best 2 will be counted for grading purpose. Syllabus, for the respective quizzes, will be announced in the classes, which usually consists of the topics covered in classes prior to the date of the quiz. Quiz weighs 20% of the total marks. Midterm Examination: Midterm exam will take place on the midterm week during regular class hour. It is a 60 minutes exam and the syllabus includes the concepts discussed by the middle of the semester. Note: There will be no makeup midterm unless there is a valid reason and that again is at the discretion of the registrar’s office. Business Project: Comprehensive problems related to the course will be assigned during the semester to be solved. Assignments or case study should be hand written and submitted timely. Delay in submission will result in cancellation of the allotted marks.. Final Examination: It is a 2 hour exam, and the syllabus is comprehensive as per university rules. As a business school student, we expect the students to be punctual and manage time effectively and efficiently. Thus students must strive to meet the deadlines. Marks will be penalized in case if a student fails to meet the respective deadlines of assignments/course works/ projects/reports etc. When it comes to cheating and plagiarism, BRAC University strictly adheres to a “zero tolerance policy”. Citations should be clearly referenced. Students are expected to attend classes on time, preferably few minutes before the beginning of the class. No matter what, a student must not disturb others in any way or form in the class. Ringing of cell phones hampers the environment of the class room. Therefore cell phones should be turned off, or at least kept on silent mode. This specification is a rough guideline of the course, and the instructor reserves the right to change/modify/add the contents of this specification at any time during the course with sufficient notices.

7 Range of MarksGrade in LetterGrade Point 90 - 100A4.0 85 - <90A-3.7 80 - <85B+3.3 75 - <80B3.0 70 - <75B-2.7 65 - <70C+2.3 60 - <65C2.0 57 - <60C-1.7 55 - <57D+1.3 52 - <55D1.0 50 - <52D-0.7 <50F0.0 Grading Procedure ModesWeight Class Attendance5% Quiz20% Midterm examination20% Business Project15% Final Examination40% Total Marks100% Assessment

8 Basic Outline Introductory Class Ch. 1 Taking risks and making profits within the Dynamic Business Environment Discussion on Business Case Analysis Ch. 1 Taking risks and making profits within the Dynamic Business Environment. Ch. 2 Understanding How economics Affects business Ch. 4 Demanding Ethical and Socially responsible Behavior QUIZ 1. (Ch 1, 2 & 4) Ch.5 How to form a Business How to approach Business Project Ch. 07 Management and Leadership Mid Term (Ch 1, 2, 4, 5 & 7) Ch.11 Human Resource Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees Ch. 17 Understanding Accounting and Financial Information QUIZ 2. (Ch 11 & 17 ) Ch. 18 Financial Management Ch. 13 Marketing: Helping Buyers buy QUIZ 2. (Ch 13 & 18) Business Case Solving Presentation Session

9 Study Plan STUDY English Finish Class lesson EVERYDAY, Do not wait for quiz Seek teachers’ help Ask previous semester students Use google for your benefit Be responsible and thankful for the life you are about to embark upon

10 Let’s Go!!

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