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Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

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2 Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

3 Click here for Final Jeopardy

4 Mechanical or Chemical Wind Mass Movement 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Glaciers Run off

5 Triangular fan shaped deposit that forms when a river empties into an ocean or lake.

6 What is a delta?

7 Vegetation, amount of rain, and slope.

8 What determines the amount of run- off?

9 A tree.

10 What is a river system similar to?

11 Water that doesn’t soak into the ground.

12 What is run-off?

13 A fan shaped deposit formed when a river terminates on land

14 What is an alluvial fan?

15 Breaks apart rocks into smaller pieces by physical means.

16 What is mechanical weathering?

17 Occurs when rock is dissolved and changes the minerals in a rock. A new substance is formed.

18 What is chemical weathering?

19 Ice, tree roots, and burrowing animals cause this kind of weathering.

20 What is mechanical?

21 Caves are formed by this kind of weathering.

22 What is chemical?

23 A solution is a ________ change.

24 What is physical?

25 Bowl shaped basins resulting from glacial erosion.

26 What are cirques?

27 Rock fragments dragged by glaciers will gouge _____ into a mountain.

28 What are grooves and striations?

29 A long winding ridge formed by outwash deposits.

30 What is an esker?

31 ___________ is the picking up of till by a glacier.

32 What is plucking?

33 Material found embedded in the sides of a glacier.

34 What is lateral moraine?

35 __________ can be compared to sandblasting.

36 What is deflation?

37 They form when sediments are blown against an obstacle and begin to accumulate.

38 What are dunes?

39 Surface that is exposed after a period of deflation.

40 What is dessert pavement?

41 These are created when wind affects the water.

42 What are waves?

43 This is created when waves deposit sediment along the shoreline.

44 What are beaches?

45 This is the cause of mass movement.

46 What is gravity?

47 When a large amount of material falls in one piece.

48 What is a landslide?

49 Mass movement containing at least 60% water.

50 What is a mudslide/flow?

51 When fresh snow falls on ice then falls as the result of a trigger.

52 What is an avalanche?

53 When a tree seems to be growing into a mountain, it is the result of _____.

54 What is slump?

55 Make your wager

56 The landforms shown here. A F E D B C

57 Why aren’t coal and a glass marble minerals?

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