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1 Howard University Name: Effective Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning (ETTL) Person responsible: Dr. Folahan Ayorinde, Professor and Chair of.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Howard University Name: Effective Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning (ETTL) Person responsible: Dr. Folahan Ayorinde, Professor and Chair of."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Howard University Name: Effective Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning (ETTL) Person responsible: Dr. Folahan Ayorinde, Professor and Chair of Chemistry Time Commitment: 45 hours # times offered: 7 through Spring 2011 Primary Audience: STEM doctoral students at Howard and throughout the CIRTL Consortium Participants per offering: Average 6-7 Total participation: 44 Enter your institution name in the footer Program Details

2 2 Howard University Goals: To promote and evaluate the scholarship of instructional technology and its efficacy, to collect data for use as a model for addressing or solving learning problems identified at Howard and other institutions. CIRTL Learning Outcome Level: Fellow Program Goals & Learning Outcomes

3 3 Howard University Evaluation Questions: lessons learned in the course, importance of specific technologies, research into teaching vs. research in the discipline, mode of instruction, use of a textbook, the overall role of Howard in ETTL and CIRTL, comparison with a polar opposite teaching strategy, the CIRTL pillars, small lessons learned (called nuggets), the appropriate time in a student’s career for the ETTL course, and observations of teaching practice learned from the course. Evaluation Methods: the course was evaluated using three techniques: First a focus group of students who had taken the course; second, an interview with the course instructor, Dr. Folahan Ayorinde; and third, a review of classes taught using technological approaches learned in the course. Evaluation Questions, Methods, Instruments

4 4 Howard University 1. The overall impact of the ETTL course was primarily in terms of introducing students to different styles of teaching, different styles of student learning, and alternative ways of reaching students whether with a specific use of technology or with a different teaching strategy. 2. None of the students in the discussion groups identified learning the use of a specific technology as a critical aspect of the course. 3. It is noted that students feel that in conducting research in a discipline, the methods and protocols are more clearly defined than when trying to do research in teaching. The latter puts more demands on the individual researcher because it is less clear how to proceed when you run into problems. Evidence & Evaluative Claims (1 of 3)

5 5 Howard University 4. The ETTL course is felt to be much more beneficial to students when it is taken online. Since working groups are electronic, students have to teach their own classmates. Consequently, ETTL should be offered in an online mode whenever possible. 5. Whether or not there should be a textbook for an ETTL course is a subject of considerable discussion among ETTL students. By a slight majority, students prefer to have a text. 6. Students feel that Howard faculty have not become sufficiently invested in the principles of CIRTL, although no suggestions were forthcoming as to how to increase their level of engagement. 7. When presented with a polar opposite approach to teaching and learning, as exemplified by the so-called Moore Method, students expressed a willingness to participate in such a course. Evidence & Evaluative Claims (2 of 3)

6 6 Howard University 8. Students generally expressed appreciation for the pillars of CIRTL, and for the most part had an interest in carrying out TAR projects. 9. On the other hand, some concern and dissatisfaction was expressed about the way in which Learning Through Diversity was presented. 10. Students concurred that ETTL would be most effective if it was offered to students who were nearing or in candidacy. 11. Evidence exists that the lessons learned from the ETTL course have been put into practice in other Howard courses. Evidence & Evaluative Claims (3 of 3)

7 7 Howard University The goals of the ETTL course will make it clear that the primary objective will be of introducing students to different styles of teaching, different styles of student learning, and alternative ways of reaching students whether with a specific use of technology or with a different teaching strategy. There will be discussion in the course of the different approaches to conducting research in a discipline, where the methods and protocols are more clearly defined than when trying to do research in teaching. The ETTL course will only be offered online, even when it is only with Howard students. A strategy will be developed to engage more Howard faculty in CIRTL. The CIRTL Network will be urged to rethink how the Learning Through Diversity pillar will be engaged. What has been learned from your evaluation results that will improve future learning outcomes, programming and evaluations?

8 8 Howard University 2006 William Eckberg, Professor of Biology and Associate Dean of the Graduate School Folahan Ayorinde, Professor and Chair of Chemistry Mai Abdul Rahman, Graduate Student in Education Sechaba Khopa, Graduate Student in African Studies Local CIRTL Team, 2006 & 2011 2011 Wayne Patterson, Professor of Computer Science, Director of the Howard University Cybersecurity Research Center, Assistant to the Dean of the Graduate School Folahan Ayorinde, Professor and Chair of Chemistry Kamla Deonauth, Director, Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate and Instructor in Biology Biyi Makinde, Webmaster, Department of Computer Science

9 9 Howard University There has been a very high degree of interest among our doctoral students in the particular offerings of CIRTL. In particular, a large number of students have taken the ETTL course, and there is evidence that the outcomes of this course have been applied by students in their own teaching. There have been a number of efforts at TAR projects. Some Howard doctoral students have participated in CIRTL activities throughout the network. A small but growing number of faculty have been engaged in CIRTL activities A new course on computational thinking has been introduced. Impact of CIRTL on our institution?

10 10 Howard University Numerous future faculty have been positively impacted by cross-network activities. There has been less involvement by Howard current faculty. Connectivity to the Network / cross-network activities

11 11 Howard University The CIRTL Initiative is being gradually integrated into the long- standing and nationally recognized Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) program at Howard. The distinct features that CIRTL adds to the PFF program include the focus on STEM doctoral students, the access to specific CIRTL courses such as ETTL and Computational Thinking The distinct features that PFF adds to the Howard CIRTL offering include participation in the PFF Certificate, and in the 9-graduate credit Certificate in College and University Faculty Preparation. Evidence of Institutionalization

12 12 Howard University Howard STEM future faculty constitute the largest concentration of African-Americans contributing to these disciplines. Given the strong desire of most universities to diversify their STEM departments and engage more African-American, Latino and Native American faculty and students, and given the placement of Howard STEM PhDs at a vide variety of institutions, the role that Howard future faculty can play in bringing the principles of CIRTL to many institutions is potentially enormous. Impact on the future teaching and learning of the national STEM faculty?

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