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NASA Langley Research Center’s Distributed Mass Storage System (DMSS) Juliet Z. Pao Guest Lecturing at ODU April 8, 1999.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA Langley Research Center’s Distributed Mass Storage System (DMSS) Juliet Z. Pao Guest Lecturing at ODU April 8, 1999."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA Langley Research Center’s Distributed Mass Storage System (DMSS) Juliet Z. Pao Guest Lecturing at ODU April 8, 1999

2 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center2 Outline ä Components of a Mass Storage System ä Architectures of DMSS Over the Last Decade ä Description of HPSS ä How Is HPSS Used By DMSS? ä How Do Other HPSS Collaboration Sites Use HPSS? ä Mass Storage Issues and Standards ä Evolving Storage Technologies ä NASA Data Management Needs

3 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center3 Components of a Mass Storage System ä Hardware ä Server(s) ä Supercomputers/Mainframes, high-end workstations ä Storage Devices ä Magnetic disk, Magneto-optical disc, Magnetic tape, Optical tape ä Internal-Network/LAN/WAN ä Fast Ethernet, GigabitEthernet ä HIPPI, Fibre Channel ä Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) ä Software ä Server Operating Systems ä Hierarchical Storage Management Software (HSM) + required SW ä Device Drivers ä storage devices ä network devices ä User Interfaces ä FTP ä NFS/DFS ä DBM

4 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center4 Components of a Mass Storage System (cont.) ä Bitfile - strings of bits ä physical/virtual volume - physical/virtual unit for data storage ä Client - Applications (FTP, DBM, NFS/DFS) ä BS - provides abstraction of a logical bitfiles to its clients ä SS - translates storage segment references into virtual volume and physical volume references ä Mpver - transfers data from a source device to a sink device ä PVL - manages all physical volumes, issues commands to PVR for cartridge mount and dismount actions ä PVR - manages cartridge, ports, slots Layers of Storage Services ä Using Terminology of IEEE Open Storage Systems Interconnect Model Client Bitfile Server (BS) Storage Server (SS) Mover Physical Volume Library (PVL) Physical Volume Repository (PVR) Definitions

5 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center5 Architectures of DMSS Over Last Decade - 1 ä CRAY-YMP file server ä HSM-DMF ä 10 GB disk cache ä 2 STK ACS 4400 silos (capacity=2.4 TB) ä 1 storage hierarchy ä 20GB/week incoming data traffic Cray Y-MP Server

6 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center6 Architectures of DMSS Over Last Decade - 2 ä IBM RS6000 workstation file server ä HSM:NSL-UniTree ä 140-180 GB disk cache ä initially with one storage hierarchy, and since 12/96 with two storage hierarchies ä 3 STK ACS 4400 (Capacity=14.4TB initially, later 900TB) ä 100 - 500GB/week incoming data traffic DMSS Configuration 94-98 DMSS Configuration 94-98 2

7 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center7 Architectures of DMSS Over Last Decade - 3 ä Multiple IBM RS6000 servers movers ä HSM:HPSS ä 240 GB disk cache ä 3 STK ACS4400 (capacity 900 TB) ä 1TB/week incoming data traffic STK Tape Silos FE Switch Magstar Tape Library Core Server F50 Client Server Mover F50 Mover 58H FDDI LaRCNet Backbone Direct Attach FDDI FDDI Direct Attached DMSS Configuration - 1998

8 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center8 Description of HPSS - HPSS Collaboration -1 ä HPSS Collaboration members and HPSS sites: ä IBM Global Government Industries ä DOE laboratories: LLNL, LANL, SNL,ORNL, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Fermi National Accelerator Lab, Brookhaven National Lab, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Argonne National Laboratory ä NASA- Langley Research Center, Jet Propulsion Lab ä San Diego Supercomputing Center ä DOD:Maui High Performance Computing Center, NIMA ä DOC: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration’s NESDIS ä Caltech, Univ. of Washington, Univ of Indiana ä Europe: ä CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics ä CEA-DAM - French Atomic Energy Commission Dept of Military Applications ä Univ of Stuttgart

9 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center9 Description of HPSS - HPSS Collaboration - 2 HPSS Collaboration HPSS Collaboration

10 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center10 Description of HPSS - Architecture HPSS Configuration HPSS Configuration

11 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center11 Description of HPSS - Features - 1 ä Scalability ä petabytes storage capacity, billions of file, file sizes (2**64), number of users ä Performance ä Networking: separate data & control networks ä Disk, tape striping, Parallel IO ä Based on Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) ä DCE Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism for control ä DCE Threads package for multitasking ä DCE Security and Cell Directory services ä Encina Structured File Server (SFS) for Metadata management ä Encina for transaction management ä Based on IEEE OSSI Model

12 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center12 Description of HPSS - Features - 2 ä A network-centered architecture - distributed servers & movers ä Multiple storage hierarchies ä User Interfaces: ä FTP, NFS (V2), EARS/REARS ä PFTP : IBM AIX, Cray UniCOS, Intel Paragon, and SGI ä Client Application Program Interface (Client API) ä Parallel I/O File System (PIOFS) ä Distributed File System (DFS) ä initially available on AIX & Sun Solaris ä HPSS as a backup system or mirrored system for a DFS

13 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center13 How Is HPSS Used By DMSS? - 1 ä User, Client, Storage Utilization : ä 700 users, 500 client machines ä 56 TB of data and 7.7 million files ä all files are double copied (second copy tapes are stored off-site) ä Usage categorization: ä data archival ä temporary storage for local/remote high performance computing and post processing ä repository for data sharing ä backend for information systems ä repository for system backups

14 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center14 How Is HPSS Used for DMSS? - 2

15 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center15 How Is HPSS Used for DMSS? - 3

16 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center16 How Is HPSS Used for DMSS? - 4

17 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center17 How Is HPSS Used for DMSS? - 5

18 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center18 How Do Other Sites Use HPSS? ä Clustered & Parallel Computing Driven Storage ä Integration to Large Scale and High Performance Data Management Systems such as DB2 and Objectivity ä SDSC and IBM developed HPSS/DB2 interfaces (DOCT testbed) ä SLAC developed the HPSS/Objectivity interfaces ä Digital Libraries Projects at SDSC Using HPSS ä UCSB Alexandria Digital Library ä UC Berkeley Electronic Library ä California Digital Library ä NARA- study of long term archival of electronic records ä ASCI - visualization of massive data sets ä EarthKAM - storage of digital photos and satellite images

19 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center19 Mass Storage Issues and Standards ä Issues: ä Requirements for petabytes storage systems with terabytes/day traffic ä Handling Media Life Cycle ä Migration of terabyte system to other storage management system ä Interoperability among systems and storage media ä Standards: ä IEEE Media Management System : IEEE P1244 ä Meets needs of the Storage Area Network (SAN) ä Gigabyte System Network (GSN) : ANSI NCITS T11.1 ä Includes Scheduled Transfer (ST) protocol ä Ideally suited for SAN ä AIIM/ANSI MS66, for Metadata for Interchange of Files on Sequential Storage Media between File Storage Management Systems(FSMS)

20 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center20 Evolving Storage Technologies ä Storage Area Network (SAN) ä DataDirect product ä Univ of Minnesota’s Global File System for Linux ä Gigabyte System Network (GSN) - Power Micro Research ä Storage Vendor Roadmap (3/99)

21 DMSS 4/8/99Juliet Z. Pao, NASA-Langley Research Center21 NASA Data Management Needs ä Promote implementation of information Systems frontending archival data ä Create storage infrastructure through cooperation among parties with computational, local storage, network and mass storage requirements ä Leverage Government/Industry/Academia Collaboration efforts ä Provide cost-effective campus backup solution

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