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Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programme Bridging the gap between the Nordic and The Russian Quality Assurance system in social sciences.

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1 Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programme Bridging the gap between the Nordic and The Russian Quality Assurance system in social sciences

2 Nordic Council of Ministers. Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education, SiU Partners: Higher School of Economics- National Research University (RU-HSE) Russia Roskilde University, Communication, Business and Information Technologies. Denmark Trondheim Business School, Sør–Trøndelag University College. Norway

3 Bridging the Gap between the Nordic and the Russian QA systems The main objective of the project is to introduce quality awareness, quality consciousness and quality assessment mechanisms in the HSE with the aim to use this experience in other Russian Universities Five Outcomes : Building Quality Culture Description of the three tier structure based on the Bologna principles Self Evaluation of Quality Formation of Group of Peers. Implement of improved Quality Assurance System Establishing “Quality Assurance Club” at HSE St.Petersburg

4 Activity in the Project Seminars in Russia, Denmark and Norway. 2015: Self evaluation and Peer Review based on the EQUIS principles at HSE. Preparing for exchange of students and academic staff between Russia and the Nordic Countries QA based on the Bologna Principles

5 Finansiering av prosjektet Bevilget av SiU Euro 70.000 Egenandel Nordiske Universitet: NOK 30.000 Egenandel HSE, St.Petersburg. Euro 2000

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