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Medical Abbreviations (Letters P and Q) Presentation by: Vivek Trivedi and Sathya Rameshkumar.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Abbreviations (Letters P and Q) Presentation by: Vivek Trivedi and Sathya Rameshkumar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Abbreviations (Letters P and Q) Presentation by: Vivek Trivedi and Sathya Rameshkumar

2  p- After  P- Pulse  PA- Physician’s Assistant  PACU- Post Anesthesia Care Unit Abbreviations (P)  PAP- Papanicolaou Test  para- Prior Births  Path- Pathology

3  PCA- Patient Controlled Analgesia  Pb- Lead  pc- after meals  PCP- Plasma Cell Pneumonia  PDR- Physician Desk Reference  PE- Physical Examination  PE- Pulmonary Embolism Abbreviations (P)

4  PEG- Pneumoencephalogram  per- By Way Of  PERRLA- Pupils Round Reactive to Light and Accommodation  PET- Position Emission Tomography  PFO- Patient Foramen Ovale  PFT- Pulmonary Function Test  pH- Hydrogen ion concentration Abbreviations (P)

5  PICC- Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter  PID- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease  PMD- Primary (Private) Medical Doctor  PMH- Past Medical History  PMS- Premenstrual Syndrome  PNS- Peripheral Nervous System  PO- By Mouth; Orally Abbreviations (P)

6  Post-op – After Surgery  PPI- Proton Pump Inhibita  PPO- Perferred Provider Organization  PRBCs- Packed Red Blood Cells  PRN- As needed  PSA- Prostate-Specific Antigen  psy- Psychology Abbreviations (P)

7  pt- Patient  PT- Physical Therapist  PTT- Patial Promothoromian Time  PTCA- Percutoneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplast  PTSD- Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder  PVC- Premature Ventricular Contraction  PVD- Peripheral Vascular Disease  Px- Prognosis Abbreviations (P)

8  q- Every  qam- Every Morning (AM)  qd- Every Day  qh- Every Hour  q2h- Every 2 Hours  qid or QID- Four Times a Day  qhs- Every Night  qns- Every Night  qt- Quart  QA- Quality Assurance Abbreviations (Q)

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