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P&T Update: College of Medicine, 2012 - 2013 Carol S. Weisman, PhD Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Distinguished Professor of Public Health Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "P&T Update: College of Medicine, 2012 - 2013 Carol S. Weisman, PhD Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Distinguished Professor of Public Health Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 P&T Update: College of Medicine, 2012 - 2013 Carol S. Weisman, PhD Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Distinguished Professor of Public Health Sciences and Obstetrics and Gynecology June 12, 2013

2 COM Promotions and Tenure Reviews, AY 2012 – 2013 (70 dossiers reviewed) Tenure Track 1 candidate denied tenure by department + Dean 10 candidates reviewed by the College P&T Committee: 4 awarded tenure (out of 4 reviewed) 6 promoted to Professor (out of 6 reviewed) 19 2 nd and 4 th -year provisional tenure reviews conducted Fixed-term Track 36 promoted (out of 40 nominated by departments)

3 College of Medicine P&T Statistics, past 5 years (AY 2008-09 through 2012-13) Basic Science Depts. Clinical Depts. Overall MDs PhDs TENURE TRACK % Tenure awards (in 6 th -year) * 12/16 (75%) 10/12 (83%) 2/9 (22%) 65% Promotions to Professor 10/13 (77%) 12/12 (100%) 5/6 (83%) 87% FIXED-TERM TRACK Promotions to Associate Professor 6/6 (100%) 77/80 (96%) 5/6 (83%) 96% Promotions to Professor 2/2 (100%) 42/43 (98%) 1/1 (100%) 98% * Tenure denials at 2 nd or 4 th -year provisional reviews = 2; Early tenure awards = 2

4 Feedback from COM P&T Committee Faculty members are urged to document their mentoring activities in the Scholarship of Teaching section of the dossier

5 Feedback from Vice Provost Immediate Tenure requests must contain 2-3 page summaries of the Scholarship of Teaching n More than a list of courses, lectures, graduate students n Include documentation of teaching effectiveness (e.g., student and peer evaluations) See HR23 Administrative Guidelines, p. 54

6 Patient Care Section of the Dossier New Dossier Divider page provides guidance on types of information to be included in this section (last updated in 2001) l Has been reviewed by COM P&T Committee l Next step is approval by Vice Provost l Planning to use in AY 2013-14

7 Patient Care Divider Page l Summary of clinical assignments and effort for period under review* l Documentation of quality of care (e.g., patient satisfaction, patient outcomes) l Documentation of participation in quality improvement efforts at divisional, departmental, or institutional levels l Any awards or recognition for patient care l Letters from internal colleagues and/or referring physicians (if appropriate) * Since last promotion or past 5 years, whichever is shorter 

8 P&T Update Memo, AY 2013-14 External Evaluators: Departmental Promotion and Tenure Committees and Department Chairs are expected to address the external evaluators’ letters in their letters for the Dossier. Patient Care Dossier Divider: revised to state the types of documentation for this section. Curriculum Vitae: sent to external reviewers -- should contain information that reflects the candidate’s contributions in all mission areas.

9 Workshops Tenure-track faculty workshops are held annually with the Vice Provost for (Dr. Bowen) Academic Affairs (Dr. Bowen) P&T Workshops for all faculty are held biannually with the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs (Dr. Weisman) (Cindy Devine) Staff assistant workshops are held annually; each department must participate (Cindy Devine)


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