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World History II SOL People Review. Renaissance & Reformation.

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1 World History II SOL People Review

2 Renaissance & Reformation

3 1. Leonardo da Vinci

4 Ultimate Renaissance Man Painter, scientist, sculptor, architect Paintings: Mona Lisa & Last Supper

5 2. Michelangelo

6 2. Michelangelo Painted the Sistine Chapel Architect: St. Peter’s Basilica Sculpted David & Pieta

7 3. Shakespeare

8 3. Shakespeare English playwright May be greatest of all time Works include: Hamlet, Othello, Julius Caesar, MacBeth, Sonnets

9 4. Erasmus

10 4. Erasmus Dutch humanist Challenged worldliness of Church practices Wrote The Praise of Folly –Humor –Exposed ignorance & immoral behavior of people

11 5. Gutenberg

12 5. Gutenberg Developed printing press –Used movable type (China) –First book: Gutenberg Bible

13 6. Jan Hus

14 Predecessor of Protestant Movement Burned at the stake for heresy

15 7. John Wycliffe

16 English translation of Bible One of first to challenge Catholic Church

17 8. Martin Luther

18 8. Martin Luther Wrote 95 Theses Opposed selling of indulgences Taught salvation came through faith alone Founder of Lutheran church

19 9. John Calvin

20 9. John Calvin Influenced by Martin Luther French protestant Predestination

21 10. King Henry VIII

22 10. King Henry VIII English king who broke ties with Catholic Church Catholic church refused to give him a divorce Established the Anglican church

23 11. Elizabeth I

24 11. Elizabeth I Restored Protestantism to England Established Anglican church as state church Daughter of Henry VIII

25 Explorers

26 12. Prince Henry

27 12. Prince Henry Prince Henry the Navigator Portugal Opened a navigation school Pioneer in exploration

28 13. Vasco da Gama

29 13. Vasco da Gama Portuguese Explorer First to go around the “tip of Africa”

30 14. Christopher Columbus

31 14. Christopher Columbus Explored for Spain Attempted to find short route to India Landed in the Americas

32 15. Hernando Cortez

33 15. Hernando Cortez Spanish explorer Conquered the Aztec Empire in 1521

34 16. Francisco Pizarro

35 16. Francisco Pizarro Spanish Explorer Conquered the Inca Empire in 1532

36 17. Ferdinand Magellan

37 Spanish explorer Crew was first to circumnavigate the world Claimed the Philippines for Spain 17. Ferdinand Magellan

38 18. Sir Francis Drake

39 18. Sir Francis Drake English Pirate Led English in victories over Spanish Armada Second person to circumnavigate the globe

40 19. Jacques Cartier

41 19. Jacques Cartier French explorer Discovered the St. Lawrence River in Canada

42 Scientific Revolution

43 20. Nicolaus Copernicus

44 20. Nicolaus Copernicus Developed helio-centric theory (sun is center of universe) Condemned=belief challenged teaching of Church—earth center of universe

45 21. Johannes Kepler

46 21. Johannes Kepler Astronomer Discovered planetary motion Proved Copernicus’s theory

47 22. Galileo Galilei

48 22. Galileo Galilei Astronomer Used telescope to support the heliocentric theory Condemned by church because conflicted with church teachings

49 23. Isaac Newton

50 23. Isaac Newton Mathematician & Physicist Laws of gravity Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Pendulum theory

51 24. William Harvey

52 24. William Harvey Discovered circulation of blood in the body

53 Absolute Monarchs

54 25. Louis XIV

55 25. Louis XIV Most powerful ruler in French history Built the palace of Versailles Limited power of nobles: in court, excluded from councils

56 26. Cardinal Richelieu

57 26. Cardinal Richelieu French leader—”ruler of France” Increased power of middle class Changed focus of Thirty Years War from religious to political: protect French interests

58 Peter the Great

59 Peter the Great Russian czar Westernization of Russia Modernized military

60 Oliver Cromwell

61 Oliver Cromwell Puritan general in English Civil War Led capture, trial, and execution of Charles I


63 Charles I English monarch Forced to sign Petition of Rights Overthrown by Cromwell First European monarch to be tried & executed by his own people

64 Charles II

65 Charles II Son of Charles I Returned to throne after death of Cromwell Restoration

66 William & Mary

67 William & Mary Constitutional monarchy English Bill of Rights Glorious Revolution

68 Enlightenment Thinkers

69 Thomas Hobbes

70 Thomas Hobbes Leviathan Believed that the state must have central authority to manage behavior Social contract theory

71 John Locke

72 John Locke Two Treatises on Government Monarchs not chosen by God People are sovereign Power & authority rests with the people Natural rights: life, liberty, & property

73 Montesquieu

74 Montesquieu Spirit of Laws Separation of Powers “checks and balances”

75 Jean-Jacques Rousseau

76 Jean-Jacques Rousseau The Social Contract Government is a contract between rulers & people Direct democracy

77 Voltaire

78 Voltaire Separation of church & state Religious toleration Freedom of thought & expression

79 Thomas Jefferson

80 Thomas Jefferson Influenced by Enlightened thinkers (Locke) American Wrote the American Declaration of Independence

81 French Revolution

82 Louis XVI

83 Louis XVI Weak French king Monarchy ended with French Revolution Executed during Reign of Terror

84 Napoleon

85 Napoleon Came to power during French Revolution Powerful military dictator/emperor Attempted to create an empire by conquering Western, then Eastern Europe Established Napoleonic Code of laws Defeated at Waterloo

86 Revolutionaries

87 Toussaint L’Ouverture

88 Toussaint L’Ouverture Revolutionary leader Led independence movement in Haiti Defeated the armies of Spain, France, and Britain

89 Simon Bolivar

90 Simon Bolivar Liberated northern areas of Latin America Native-born resident who led revolutionary efforts

91 Miguel Hidalgo

92 Padre started the Mexican independence movement.

93 James Monroe

94 Monroe Doctrine was issued by American President, James Monroe in 1823. Latin American nations were acknowledged to be independent. The United States would regard as a threat to its own peace and safety any attempt by European powers to impose their system on any independent state in the Western Hemisphere.

95 Simon Bolivar Revolutionary leader Led independence movements in South America

96 Romantics

97 Johann Sebastian Bach

98 Johann Sebastian Bach German musician Composer from Baroque music era

99 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

100 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Austrian musician Led movement in Romantic & Classical music Work: Marriage of Figaro

101 Eugene Delacroix

102 Eugene Delacroix French painter One of most important leaders in the Romantic movement of painting

103 Miguel de Cervantes

104 Miguel de Cervantes Spanish novelist Work: Don Quixote

105 Unification

106 Count Cavour

107 Count Cavour Prime minister of Piedmont-Sardinia Unified northern Italy Won victories against Austria Helped Garibaldi to unite rest of Italy

108 Giuseppe Garibaldi

109 Giuseppe Garibaldi Assisted by Cavour United southern Italy to northern Italy Leader of “red shirts”

110 Otto von Bismark

111 Otto von Bismark Prussian prime minister Unified German provinces through war & nationalism Realpolitik

112 Industrial Revolution

113 James Watt

114 James Watt Inventor of the steam engine

115 Eli Whitney

116 Eli Whitney Inventor of the cotton gin

117 Henry Bessemer

118 Henry Bessemer Inventor of the Bessemer process=cheaper production of steel

119 Edward Jenner

120 Edward Jenner Developed the smallpox vaccine

121 Louis Pasteur

122 Louis Pasteur Discovered bacteria Invented process of pasteurization

123 James Hargreaves

124 Spinning Jenny

125 Adam Smith

126 Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations Scottish economist “laissez-faire” economics Government not need to interfere with economy Father of capitalism

127 Karl Marx

128 Karl Marx Communist Manifesto Radical socialism Father of Communism “haves” & “have-nots” (bourgeoisie & proletariat) Workers would eventually revolt-equal society

129 Friedrich Engels

130 Friedrich Engels Co-author of Communist Manifesto Das Capital

131 World War I

132 Archduke Franz Ferdinand

133 Archduke Franz Ferdinand Heir to Austrian-Hungarian crown Assassinated in 1914 Spark that began WWI-immediate cause

134 Kaiser Wilhelm II

135 Kaiser Wilhelm II Kaiser of Germany during WWI

136 Woodrow Wilson

137 Woodrow Wilson US president during WWI 14 Points –Self-determination –Free seas –League of Nations

138 Tsar Nicholas II

139 Tsar Nicholas II Czar of Russia during WWI Last czar of Russia-executed with family Lost power during Revolution of 1917

140 Vladimir Lenin

141 Vladimir Lenin Leader of Bolshevik Revolution Replaced imperial power with communism

142 World War II

143 Joseph Stalin

144 Joseph Stalin Russian leader during WWII Succeeded Lenin Tried to modernize Russia Great Purge-genocide

145 Adolf Hitler

146 Adolf Hitler Dictator of Nazi Germany Aggression led to WWII Policy of ethnic cleansing-final solution=12 million dead Holocaust Committed suicide

147 Benito Mussolini

148 Benito Mussolini Leader of fascist Italy during WWII Allied with Hitler Took control of Ethiopia

149 Hirohito

150 Hirohito Emperor of Japan during WWII Campaign of aggression during first half of 20 th century Surrendered at end of WWII Allowed to remain in power by allies

151 Hideki Tojo

152 Hideki Tojo Japanese premier under Hirohito One of the Masterminds of attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 Japanese General in charge

153 Franklin D Roosevelt

154 Franklin D Roosevelt US President during most of WWII Led US out of Great Depression

155 Harry Truman

156 Harry Truman US President at end of WWII Authorized use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki Issued the Truman Doctrine: containment of communism

157 Dwight D Eisenhower

158 Dwight D Eisenhower Allied commander in Europe D-Day commander US President at the end of the Korean War

159 Douglas MacArthur

160 Douglas MacArthur US General in Pacific theatre of war “Island-hopping” Occupied Japan at end of WWII US General during most of Korean War

161 George Marshall

162 George Marshall Created Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe US General during WWII

163 Winston Churchill

164 Winston Churchill Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII Kept morale of British up during Battle for Britain Coined phrase “iron curtain”

165 Cold War

166 John F. Kennedy

167 Bay of Pigs Invasion Cuban Missile Crisis Averted WWIII

168 Margaret Thatcher

169 British Prime Minister Free trade and less government regulation of business Close relationship with United States and U.S. foreign policy Asserted United Kingdom’s military power

170 Mikhail Gorbachev

171 Glasnost and perestroika Fall of the Berlin Wall Last president of Soviet Union

172 Asian Dictators

173 Pol Pot

174 Pol Pot Communist dictator of Cambodia Leader of Khmer Rogue Genocide of his own people

175 Chiang Kai-shek/Jiang Jieshi

176 Chiang Kai-shek/Jiang Jieshi Leader of Nationalist China Exiled government set up in Taiwan: Republic of China Fought Mao in civil war

177 Mao Tse-Tung/Mao Zedong

178 Mao Tse-Tung/Mao Zedong Communist leader of the People’s Republic of China Great Leap Forward

179 Deng Xiaoping

180 Reformed communist economy to market economy leading to rapid economic growth Communist control of government continued

181 Ho Chi Minh

182 Ho Chi Minh Leader of Communist North Vietnam Led forces in Vietnam war against the South

183 Independence Leaders

184 Mohandas Gandhi

185 Mohandas Gandhi Leader of Indian Independence Movement Use of passive resistance/nonviolence Salt march

186 Jawaharlal Nehru

187 a close associate of Gandhi supported western style industrialization

188 Indira Gandhi

189 Closer relationship between India and the Soviet Union during the Cold War Developed nuclear program

190 Kenyatta

191 Kenyatta Leader of Kenya during independence movement First president of Kenya

192 Nelson Mandela

193 led Black South Africans’ struggle against apartheid became the first black President of the Republic of South Africa.

194 Golda Meir

195 Prime Minister of Israel After initial setbacks, led Israel to victory in Yom Kippur War Sought support of United States

196 Gamal Abdul Nasser

197 President of Egypt Nationalized Suez Canal Established relationship with Soviet Union Built Aswan High Dam

198 Religious Leaders

199 Siddhartha Guatama

200 Siddhartha Guatama The Buddha Founder of Buddhism

201 Asoka

202 Asoka Sent missionaries & writings to China & parts of Asia Responsible for spread of Buddhism

203 Jesus

204 Jesus Son of God/Messiah New testament is the life & teachings of Jesus

205 Muhammad

206 Muhammad Founder of Islam Prophet Established 5 pillars of Islam

207 Ancient Civilizations

208 Mayans

209 Mayans Southern Mexico/Central America Predecessors of Aztecs Mayan calendar

210 Aztecs

211 Aztecs Central/Southern Mexico Fierce warriors Human sacrifices Defeated by Cortes

212 Incas

213 Incas Modern day Peru Complex cities Defeated by Pizarro

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