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Health and Social Care Action Group A Human Rights Based Approach in action – Care about Rights.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Social Care Action Group A Human Rights Based Approach in action – Care about Rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Social Care Action Group A Human Rights Based Approach in action – Care about Rights

2 A Human Rights Based Approach PANEL: –Participation –Accountability –Non-discrimination –Empowerment –Legality

3 A Human Rights Based Approach Empowerment – supporting people to know and claim their rights Ability – supporting public authorities & others to adopt a human rights based approach Accountability – increasing accountability for respecting, protecting and fulfilling human rights

4 Examples of HRBA Dignity in Care: Care about Rights? Training and awareness raising resource pack for older people & their carers, providers of care services, policy makers & the regulator Empowerment: Partnership and capacity building with outreach groups across Scotland Ability: Distribution to every registered service for older people's care in Scotland and online at eaboutrights Extensive training for care providers Accountability: Awareness raising with Regulator

5 FAIR model of HRBA in decision making Facts: What is the experience of the individual? Are they being heard? What are the important facts to understand? Analysis of rights at stake: What are the human rights at stake? Can the rights be restricted? What is justification for restricting the right? Is the restriction proportionate? Identify shared responsibilities: What changes are necessary? Who has responsibilities for making changes? Review actions: Have the actions taken been appropriately recorded and reviewed and has the individual been involved?

6 Putting HRBA into practice – why? Care about Rights Evaluation Results of end line survey of care worker training participants: 99% understood what human rights are and how they are applicable to their work. 90% agreed or strongly agreed that they could communicate with colleagues about how human rights could improve the delivery of care. 94% understood the relationship between human rights and other legislation 97% of respondents to the follow up survey feel that a human rights based approach can help care providers develop positive relationships with service users and their families.

7 Putting HRBA into practice – why? Care about Rights Evaluation Roll out and delivery “Training was very informative and thought provoking. I now have a better understanding and knowledge base that I am already planning to use in my workplace.” – care worker

8 Putting HRBA into practice – why? Care about Rights Evaluation Understanding of human rights and their applicability “It is aligned with and adds to professional and occupational standards – it is not new! Human rights are built into National Care Standards and Care about Rights is a tool to bring this to the forefront in a delivery setting.” – care manager

9 Putting HRBA into practice – why? Care about Rights Evaluation Balancing risk in decision making and resolving conflict “The package gives workers a platform to talk about issues and to bring challenges.” – strategic stakeholder “It helps us to look at the issue of proportionality and the balance of risk” – care worker “ FAIR is useful as a problem solving mechanism to find the best outcome for residents – it enables staff to have a thought process, work in partnership with others and offer rationale for a decision” – care worker “Often when I visited there was nothing terribly wrong but there was nothing terribly right either, and I didn’t have any framework to put my concerns.” – older persons advocacy worker.

10 Putting HRBA into practice – why? Care about Rights Evaluation Effective delivery of person centred care “FAIR helps focus the minds and actions of ourselves and fellow professionals on the needs of an individual. This has helped us to accept that, perhaps sometimes, we were part of the problem and to access the support we needed from other professionals.” – care worker

11 Putting HRBA into practice – why? Care about Rights Evaluation Older people and their representatives are empowered “I think it will be really powerful when you come across those brick walls when something is an issue. You can use it to say “that may be an issue but it is actually part of somebody’s rights”.” – outreach participant

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