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C ARBON C HEMISTRY Ch 9.. TrueFalseStatementTrueFalse Organic compounds contain carbon and oxygen Saturated hydrocarbons contain multiple bonds Unsaturated.

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Presentation on theme: "C ARBON C HEMISTRY Ch 9.. TrueFalseStatementTrueFalse Organic compounds contain carbon and oxygen Saturated hydrocarbons contain multiple bonds Unsaturated."— Presentation transcript:


2 TrueFalseStatementTrueFalse Organic compounds contain carbon and oxygen Saturated hydrocarbons contain multiple bonds Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain only single bonds Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons from remains of plants and animals Diamonds are a form of carbon

3 C ARBON Organic Compound Contains carbon and hydrogen Forms of Carbon Diamond Graphite Fullerenes

4 S ATURATED H YDROCARBON Straight Chain Branched Chain Rings All bonds are single bonds Also called alkane

5 U NSATURATED H YDROCARBON Alkenes Alkynes Aromatic Hydrocarbon Contain 1 or more double or triple bond

6 F OSSIL F UELS Mix of hydrocarbon formed from the remains of plants and animals Coal Natural Gas Petroleum

7 P ROTEINS, E NZYMES AND V ITAMINS Protein Polymer which 100 amino acid monomers are linked by a carboxyl group Amino acids- compound with carboxyl and amino acid Enzymes Proteins that act as catalysts for reactions in cells Vitamins- organic compounds that animals need, but cant produce


9 TrueFalseStatementTrueFalse There are 3 types of radiation: alpha, gamma, and nuclear A half life is the time for half of a sample to decay Radioactive dating, tells us the date of items from years ago Fission is when smaller parts make a larger mass and energy Fusion is when a large part breaks down into smaller parts and energy

10 N UCLEAR D ECAY Radioactivity Process which unstable atomic nucleus emits charged particles and energy Types Alpha Decay Positively charged 2 p and 2 n +2 charge Uranium 238 decay Beta Decay Negatively charged Thorium 234 decay Gamma Decay Ray of energy Emitted by unstable nucleus

11 H ALF L IFE Time required for one half of a sample of radioactive material to decay Radioactive Dating Age of old objects are determined by comparing the objects carbon 14 levels with that in the atmosphere

12 N UCLEAR F ORCES Splitting of atomic nucleus into 2 smaller parts Tremendous amounts of energy are produced from tiny amounts of mass Creates nuclear energy, and bombs Nuclei of 2 atoms combine to form a large nucleus Requires high temperatures Plasma Atoms are stripped of electrons FissionFusion


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