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Group members: Phạm Hoàng Long Nguyễn Huy Hùng Lê Minh Hiếu Phan Thị Thanh Thảo Nguyễn Đức Trí 1 BIG DATA & NoSQL Topic 1:

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Presentation on theme: "Group members: Phạm Hoàng Long Nguyễn Huy Hùng Lê Minh Hiếu Phan Thị Thanh Thảo Nguyễn Đức Trí 1 BIG DATA & NoSQL Topic 1:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group members: Phạm Hoàng Long Nguyễn Huy Hùng Lê Minh Hiếu Phan Thị Thanh Thảo Nguyễn Đức Trí 1 BIG DATA & NoSQL Topic 1:

2 Contents  Big Data Introduction Definition Characteristics Advantage and disadvantage of Big Data  NoSQL Definition Database types Characteristics Support NoSQL tools  Take away 2

3 3 Big Data NoSQL Take away! Following Vice President of Infrastructure Engineering at Facebook: Introduction

4 Definition 4  Data sets with size belong the ability of commonly used software tools (capture, manage, and process).  Structured, semi-structured and unstructured data.  About Petabytes (PB) and Exabyte (EB) of data. PB = 10 15 bytes. EB = 10 18 bytes. Big Data NoSQL Take away!

5 5 Characteristic  Volume refers to the amount of data.  Variety refers to the number of types of data.  Velocity refers to the speed of data processing. Big Data NoSQL Take away!

6 6  Variability - refers to the inconsistency which can be shown by the data at times  Veracity - refers to the quality of the data being captured can vary greatly.  Complexity - refers to complex process management data Characteristic (cont.) Big Data NoSQL Take away!

7 7 Advantages  Flexible schema  Quicker / cheaper to set up  Massive scalability  Eventual consistency => higher performance and availability Disadvantages  No declarative query language => more programming  Eventual consistency => fewer guarantees Advantage and Disadvantage Big Data NoSQL Take away!

8 8 Definition NoSQL Big Data Take away!  Not only SQL  Used in very large databases.  Non-relational databases.  Mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled (other than table/key model)  Data structures (e.g. key-value, graph, or document) => some operations faster  Simplicity of design, horizontal scaling, and finer control over availability

9 9 Characteristics NoSQL Big Data Take away!  Non-relational No more relation  Large volumes of data  Scalable & distribution Spreads data across multiple disks on multiple server  Open source development  Consistency  Improved performance for large data sets Queries need to return answers quickly  Schema-free No schema migrations, code defines your schema.

10 10 No SQL Database Types Key-values Stores  The simplest type of NoSQL database  Uses key-pair in hash table. A key: unique identifier for some item of data The value: the data that is identified by the key or a pointer to the location of that data  Unique key as pointer to a value.  Logical group of keys are called a “bucket”  E.g.: Amazon DynamoDB, Riak, Windows Azure, Membase and Redis NoSQL Big Data Take away!

11 11 No SQL Database Types Wide Column Stores  Wide column stores have tables which contains columns  Stores data tables as sections of columns of data  A column family we can have different columns in each row (Super Column Families)  E.g.: Hybertable, SimpleDB NoSQL Big Data Take away!

12 12 No SQL Database Types Documents  Have databases, collections, and indexes but not joins  Store unstructured (e.g., text) or semi- structured (e.g., XML) documents – basically hierarchical (1 : M)  Documents are addressed in the database via a unique key  Beyond the simple key-document (or key–value) lookup that you can use to retrieve a document  E.g.: MongoDB and CouchDB NoSQL Big Data Take away!

13 13 No SQL Database Types Graph  Apply graph theory to the storage of information about the relationships between entries  Employ nodes (like entities),properties (attributes), and edges (relationships)  Map more directly to the structure of Object Oriented apps  E.g.: Neo4J and Infinite Graphare NoSQL Big Data Take away!

14 14 NoSQL Big Data Take away! Tools  Cassandra  CouchDB  Hadoop & Hbase  MongoDB  StupidDB

15 15 Take away! Big Data NoSQL  What is Big Data? Why?  Characteristics of Big Data.  What is No SQL?  Characteristics of No-SQL  No-SQL Database types

16 16 Reference  What is Big Data?: Retrieved April 19 th 2015  Big Data definition: Retrieved April 19 th 2015  Big Data characteristics: Retrieved April 19 th 2015  What is No-SQL?: Retrieved April 19 th 2015  Document-oriented database: Retrieved April 19 th 2015  Key-Value Store: Retrieved April 19 th 2015  Wide Column Stores: Retrieved April 19 th 2015  Wide Column Stores: Retrieved April 19 th 2015  Lists 122 NoSQL Databases: Retrieved April 19 th 2015

17 17 Thank for your listening! Question & Answer

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