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A Platform, where a student can showcase his/her talent in English language. There are in total six different sections. It’s not just about conventional.

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3 A Platform, where a student can showcase his/her talent in English language. There are in total six different sections. It’s not just about conventional English skills like grammar and literature but their creative and innovative instincts like Creative writing, Spell words, Handwriting and writing styles, Vocab Challenges, Oodle Doodlez for doodling arts as well as the unique English Olympiad.

4 Cause for the program To Provide a Platform where students get a chance to showcase their talent in the field of English language as it is the language of the future & immensely important for success in one’s life.

5  For students from Class 1-10  Based on grammar  Within the syllabus

6  For students from Class 1-10  Assessment would be on different writing styles  Styles like Arial, Calligraphy, etc…

7  For students from Class 3-8  To assess the writing skills and imagination of students  And give them a platform to express their views on certain issues

8 FFor students from Class 3-8 TTo complement Verbal Intelligence along with Vocational Intelligence

9  For students from Class 3-8  To test the general word knowledge  And master the vocabulary

10  For students from Class 3- 10  To analyze the creative, innovative & artistic skills of a child



13 National Level  Topper from each class for every Competition: Tablet + Merit Certificate + Certificate of Participation  Runner Up from each class for every Competition: Trophy + Merit Certificate + Certificate of Participation

14 SCHOOL LEVEL  Topper from each class for every Competition: Gold Medal + Merit Certificate + Certificate of Participation  Runner Up from each class for every Competition: Silver Medal + Merit Certificate + Certificate of Participation  Certificate of Participation will also be given to each student.

15 Best School Award will also be given to one of the participating Schools on the basis of maximum number of winners from the School. A Laptop will also be given to the winning school. Best School Award

16 Calibre Zone with it’s experts and the amazing facilities steps beyond for a Nobel cause. Its for the betterment in terms of education, life skills and much more for the unprivileged society that co-exists with us. Wholeheartedly presenting before you something that will soon revolutionize the concept of education and literacy; Agaaz… The beginning of a new Era! A collaborative project with Pragyata Foundation. AN INITIATIVE TAKEN BY CALIBRE ZONE



19 And receive regular updates about improving your skills ! Or


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