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WELCOME TO THIRD GRADE… YOUR HAPPILY EVER AFTER STARTS HERE! Liz Kramer Third Grade Lone Mountain Elementary School.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO THIRD GRADE… YOUR HAPPILY EVER AFTER STARTS HERE! Liz Kramer Third Grade Lone Mountain Elementary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO THIRD GRADE… YOUR HAPPILY EVER AFTER STARTS HERE! Liz Kramer Third Grade Lone Mountain Elementary School


3 WIZARD’S WORK 8:55 First Bell 9:00 Tardy Bell 9:00 Morning Work/Announcements 9:10 Word Work 9:15 Mandarin MW 9:00 Library Th/ Computer Lab Friday 9:50-10:30 Specials Day 1: ArtDay 2: P.E. Day 3: Music 10:30 Math 11:45 Writer’s Workshop/Cursive 12:30-1:10 Lunch/Recess 1:10 Shared Reading/Reader’s Workshop 2:30-2:45 Recess 2:45 Explorations and Science/ S.S 3:30 Dismissal

4 WEEKLY HOMEWORK Every night Monday – Thursday:  Read for 20 minutes or more. Complete the reading log and turn it in at the end of the month.  Complete a spelling activity and staple it to your homework packet. Turn this in on Friday.  Complete math homework and turn it in the next day.  Study 5 minutes or more on your appropriate Math Fast Facts.  Partial or no credit will be given for late homework.

5 READING CURRICULUM  Shared Reading  A.R./Guided Reading  Two weekly reading tests  Weekly nonfiction practice  Volunteers needed

6 WRITING CURRICULUM  Word Work DLR, grammar  6 plus 1 Traits of Writing  Cursive

7 SPELLING CURRICULUM  Word Wall  Spelling Words Pretest Friday Challenge List

8 MATH CURRICULUM  Go Math  Fast Facts

9 Science  Light/sound  Changes in the Environment  Rocks/Minerals/Fossils  Layers of the Earth  Life Cycles  Adaptation  Plants SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULUM Social Studies  Maps/Geography  Economics  Three Branches of Government  Ancient Civilizations  Exploration and colonization  Historic Figures (timelines and contributions)  Symbols  Citizenship

10 TECHNOLOGY  Online Typing  Media Presentations Word, PowerPoint, Voki, Storybird, Animoto, Padlet, iPads  Class Facebook – Lone Mountain Kramer  Fairytale STEM Activities

11 COMMON CORE  Treasures/Go Math follow standards  Large focus on Writing  Math: greater focus on fewer topics, consistency across grade levels, deeper understanding of procedures  Reading: increase in nonfiction selections, all grade levels responsible for writing (many different genres), comparing text and supporting answers with evidence, greater focus on vocabulary

12 EXTRAS…  Birthdays - Please bring in treats before school and the class will enjoy them during their lunch. Make sure treats are individually wrapped.  Snacks – Please send a healthy snack to school with your child.  Toys - Please keep all toys at home. If they become a distraction they will go into the “May Bucket” and students will get them back on the last day of school unless a note from home is provided.  Invitations - Please send out invitation to parties outside of school unless the entire class is invited.

13 EXTRAS (CONT.)  Missing Work - Students will have the number of days they were absent to make up any missing work. This does not apply to homework as it is given on a weekly basis.  Lunch-You are welcome to join your child for lunch. Feel free to sit outside with your child only or join the whole class in the cafeteria.  Specials’ Schedule

14 THANK YOU! I am looking forward to a GREAT school year. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you have. Thanks!

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