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The network has established a forum for acute and community trusts as well as local authority commissioners to engage with, in order to increase public.

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Presentation on theme: "The network has established a forum for acute and community trusts as well as local authority commissioners to engage with, in order to increase public."— Presentation transcript:

1 The network has established a forum for acute and community trusts as well as local authority commissioners to engage with, in order to increase public health activity at an organisational and individual level. This allows a unified approach to be adopted across the region, as social marketing campaigns have a single delivery forum. Such organisations are significant local employers and centres of community activity so they can and should play a significant role in improving health and reducing inequalities. To achieve this we have created a framework of public health excellence which individuals and organisations can work towards. All participating organisations are supported to achieve WHO’s “health promoting hospitals and health services” status and so far, a total of five organisations have WHO accreditation. CMHPN has also: 1.Developed a strong branding and identity with subsequent annual communication and campaign plans. 2.Received funding and support from the Cheshire & Merseyside Directors of Public Health, who have also commissioned the ‘Top Tips for Healthy Providers’ publication in 2014. 3.Produced Network newsletters for cascading consistent health promotion messages and showcasing successes. 4.Provided peer support for members in tackling health promotion challenges e.g., WHO/HPH accreditation applications and guiding the development of public health strategies. 5.Produced a WHO accreditation step-by-step guide. 6.Developed a workplan with stakeholder engagement, objective setting, sharing of ideas, best practice and support for tackling barriers. 7.Established a core membership to sustain the network. 8.Developed partnerships with Public Health England and CHAMPS collaborative service to deliver coordinated campaigns. 9.Aligned a Provider Health Promotion Campaign Calendar – for consistent messaging across all network organisations 10.Presented at the International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services in Barcelona 2014. @CMHPN The Cheshire and Merseyside Healthy Provider Network (CMHPN) was established in July 2012 and is comprised of NHS acute and community health provider organisations from Cheshire and Merseyside. The first meeting was held in June 2012 and terms of reference and membership outlined. The network meets bi-monthly. The Network Vision “Cheshire and Merseyside Healthy Providers Network are committed to putting health and wellbeing at the heart of every contact with patients, clients and its own workforce and to promote WHO accreditation for all provider settings in Cheshire and Merseyside. CMHPN is a unique collaboration of healthcare organisations providing a joint approach to improving health and wellbeing of their patients, clients, and employees. Membership is comprised of staff with senior organisational responsibility and accountability for health improvement initiatives, both at individual and organisational level, typically represented by assistant directors of nursing and health improvement managers. The network has support from the Cheshire and Merseyside Directors of Public Health and Board level support from all participating organisations. 16 Provider organisations participate in the sharing and learning of many health promotion campaign messages including: Dry January, Active April, Sun Safety & Stoptober. The network operates on an informal and voluntary basis with shared responsibility across all member organisations. Poster by: Liz Grady, Health Promotion Practitioner – Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Paula Carroll, Health Promotion Coordinator – Ashworth Hospital, (Mersey Care NHS Trust), Rachael Gosling, Consultant in Public Health – Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust & Ian Ashworth, Consultant in Public Health – Salford Council

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