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Johann Sebastian Bach Baroque composer Listen and write about the music (how does it make you feel, do you like it, etc…) – https://www.youtub

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Presentation on theme: "Johann Sebastian Bach Baroque composer Listen and write about the music (how does it make you feel, do you like it, etc…) – https://www.youtub"— Presentation transcript:

1 Johann Sebastian Bach Baroque composer Listen and write about the music (how does it make you feel, do you like it, etc…) – https://www.youtub ATvUitA https://www.youtub ATvUitA

2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Classical composer Listen and write about the music (how does it make you feel, do you like it, etc…) – m/watch?v=7lC1lRz5Z_s m/watch?v=7lC1lRz5Z_s

3 Eugene Delacroix Painter that transitioned to the Roman School of the 19 th Century. Liberty Leading the People

4 Thomas Hobbes Enlightenment thinker Wrote Leviathan Humans exist in a primitive “state of nature” We consent to government for self-protection “The condition of man is a condition of war of everyone against everyone”

5 John Locke Enlightenment Thinker Wrote Two Treatises on Government People are sovereign Consent to government for protection of natural rights – Life – Liberty – Property “Every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has a right to, but himself”

6 Montesquieu Enlightenment Thinker Wrote The Spirit of Laws Best form of government includes separation of powers “ Laws need to have the same meaning for everyone”

7 Jean-Jacques Rousseau Enlightenment Thinker Wrote The Social Contract Government is a contract between rulers and the people “No man has natural authority over his fellow men.”

8 Voltaire Enlightenment Thinker Religious toleration is better than religious fanaticism Separation of church and state “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”

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