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Presentation on theme: "WOMEN & DRUGS IN THE WORKPLACE Wanda Binns, LCSW-C Sabrina N’Diaye, LCSW-C."— Presentation transcript:


2 DRUG/ALCOHOL USE IN THE WORKPLACE Impacts everyone: employee, public Affects job performance Costly to employee and organization Supervisors/Coworkers placed in awkward positions

3 Figure 7: Employment Status of Female Adult Patients, 2001 (n=408 )

4 DISEASE MODEL No one decides to become a drug addict or alcoholic. Instead, genetic, psychological, and social factors combine to make some women more vulnerable to addiction than others. Most researchers agree that some people have an inherited vulnerability to alcoholism and drug addiction. Research has repeatedly indicated that women who have a family history of alcoholism are at risk for developing alcoholism (ll).

5 Female addicts and alcoholics also are more likely to have a substance-abusing partner than are male addicts and alcoholics(18). It is estimated that one-third to one- half of women with addictions are living with a man who also is addicted to drugs or alcohol (I9). Women who are married to men who drink heavily also are likely to abuse alcohol (31). As shown in Figure 3, over half of the adult women admitted to Caron Foundation for treatment in 2001 were married.

6 Women who are married to men who drink heavily are also likely to abuse alcohol.(31) As shown in Figure 3 Marital Status of Adult Female Patients, 2001(n=234) Caron Foundation

7 SYMPTOMS Frequent, prolonged, and often unexplained absences Involvement in accidents both on and off the job Erratic work patterns and reduced productivity Indifference to personal hygiene Overreaction to real or imagined criticism Physical signs such as exhaustion or hyperactivity, dilated pupils, slurred speech, or an unsteady walk Marijuana users may have bloodshot or glassy eyes and a persistent cough Cocaine users may display increased energy. May be subject to extreme mood swings and can become paranoid or delusional Alcohol abusers find it hard to conceal morning-after hangovers. Their productivity declines and they may show signs of physical deterioration

8 Role of Manager Be Attentive and Observe-recognize signs of impairment Document- keep records of job performance issues Straightforward, yet thoughtful- focus on specific aspects of performance. Avoid diagnosing Be Consistent- Follow same procedures for all employees Maintain Confidentially Refer for Assistance- EAP, Employee Health Consult with Human Resource Department

9 BIBLIOGRAPHY 11 (Eds) Addictions: A comprehensive guidebook (pp 527-541) New York Oxford University Press 18 Gomberg, E.S.L. (1996). Women’s drinking practices and problems from a lifespan perspective. In J.M. Howard, S.E. Martin, P.D. Mail, M.E. Hilton, and E.D. Taylor (Eds)Women and alcohol:Issues for prevention research(pp185-214). (research Monograph No. 32). Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and alcoholism 19. McCaul, M.E. and Svikis, D.S. (1999). Intervention issues for women. In P.J. Ott, R.E. Tarter, and R.T. Ammerman(Eds.) Sourcebook on substance abuse: Etiology, epidemiology.,assessment, and treatment (pp430-439).Boston:Allyan and Bacon. 31 Sindelar, J.L. (1996) The effects of alcoholism on labor marketoutcomes for women. In J.M. Howard, S.E. Martin, P.D. Mail, M.E. Hilton, and E.D. Taylor (Eds). Women and alcohol:Issues for prevention research (pp. 291-313). Research Monograph No.32). Bethesda, MD National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Figure 7 Women and Addiction: Gender Issues in Abuse Treatment- Caron Foundation Figure 3 Women and Addiction: Gender Issue in Abuse Treatment- Caron Foundation


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