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 Students will work independently or with a partner to creatively present their selected aspect of the Renaissance after research.  Conferences 

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3  Students will work independently or with a partner to creatively present their selected aspect of the Renaissance after research.  Conferences  Research in the Media Center  In-class Research (Via Book Cart)  Working independently outside of school

4  Students will work independently or with a partner to prepare and conduct a presentation to demonstrate understanding of one aspect of the Renaissance (i.e. poetry, literature, art, sculpture, music, architecture, religion, monarchy, exploration, figure) and assess its impact in the historical context.

5  Teachers will establish guidelines, check points, and due dates.  Teachers will outline project and research expectations, discuss the Project Proposal, and provide a sampling of topics and modes of presentation through discussion and brainstorming (i.e. musical composition, artistic representation, dramatic interpretation, multimedia presentation, written expression).

6  Teachers will review and distribute copies of the Renaissance Project Presentation Rubric.  Students will complete the Project Proposal and submit for teacher approval; revisions to the proposals are expected to maintain accurate and current information.

7  Students will be given a minimum of four hours of research time plus time at home.  Teachers will use class research time for independent conferences as needed.  Students will submit a Works Cited page.  Teachers may invite outside audiences to presentations (i.e. faculty, staff, parents, and community members).

8  Teachers will evaluate the Project Proposal and Works Cited as graded work.  Teachers will evaluate the presentation using the rubric provided.

9  Next class, students will be given a calendar which will highlight important dates (media center times, conferences, check points and presentations).  Project Proposal Worksheet


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