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X-ray chest a-p.

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1 X-ray chest a-p

2 11 9 7 Key to x-ray chest a-p 12 8 10 1 5 2 3 4 6 6

3 X-ray chest m-l

4 Key to x-ray chest m-l 2 4 1 4 5 3

5 CT-scan chest at level of aortic arch
Locate: 1. sternum 2. vertebral body 3. vertebral canal/spinal cord 4. transverse process of vertebra 5. rib 6. spine of scapula 7. trachea 8. esophagus 9. arch of aorta 10. left subclavian a. 11. left common carotid a. 12. brachiocephalic trunk 13. superior vena cava 14. pectoralis major 15. Cooper’s ligaments 16. trapezius

6 CT-scan chest at level of aortic arch
Key to CT-scan chest at level of aortic arch 15 1. sternum 2. vertebral body 3. vertebral canal/spinal cord 4. transverse process of vertebra 5. rib 6. spine of scapula 7. trachea 8. esophagus 9. arch of aorta 10. left subclavian a. 11. left common carotid a. 12. brachiocephalic trunk 13. superior vena cava 14. pectoralis major 15. Cooper’s ligaments 16. trapezius 1 14 13 12 9 11 5 7 10 8 2 5 3 5 4 6 16 16

7 Location of CT scan in previous slide

8 Bronchogram locate: 1. trachea 2. left main bronchus
3. right main bronchus 4. left superior lobar bronchus 5. left inferior lobar bronchus 6. right superior lobar bronchus 7. right middle lobar bronchus 8. right inferior lobar bronchus

9 Key to bronchogram 1 3 2 1. trachea 2. left main bronchus
3. right main bronchus 4. left superior lobar bronchus 5. left inferior lobar bronchus 6. right superior lobar bronchus 7. right middle lobar bronchus 8. right inferior lobar bronchus 1 3 6 2 4 5 7 8

10 X-ray abdomen, barium enema
identify: ascending colon cecum transverse colon descending colon sigmoid colon left colic flexure right colic flexure haustra coli

11 X-ray abdomen, barium enema
6 3 4 X-ray abdomen, barium enema key: ascending colon cecum transverse colon descending colon sigmoid colon left colic flexure right colic flexure haustra coli 7 8 1 4 3 1 3 2 5 5 5

12 Sagittal MRI spine identify: promontory vertebral body
intervertebral disc intervertebral foramen with spinal nerve L3 spinous process inferior articular process superior articular process

13 Sagittal MRI spine key: 3 5 4 2 6 7 1 promontory vertebral body
intervertebral disc intervertebral foramen with spinal nerve L3 spinous process inferior articular process superior articular process 3 5 4 2 6 7 1

14 X-ray abdomen a-p identify: pelvic inlet sacro-iliac joint acetabulum
greater sciatic notch iliac crest transverse process spinous process articular process 12th rib gas bubbles in colon

15 X-ray abdomen a-p key: pelvic inlet sacro-iliac joint acetabulum
greater sciatic notch iliac crest transverse process spinous process articular process 12th rib gas bubbles in colon 9 8 7 6 10 5 2 1 4 3

16 16 Location of abdominal CT scans 28

17 Identify on CT-scan 16 liver spleen kidney colon air in stomach
pyloric sphincter duodenum pancreas abdominal aorta crus of diaphragm inferior vena cava rib linea alba vertebral body vertebral canal/spinal cord spinous process intrinsic back muscles

18 Key to scan 16 liver spleen kidney colon air in stomach
pyloric sphincter duodenum pancreas abdominal aorta crus of diaphragm inferior vena cava rib linea alba vertebral body vertebral canal/spinal cord spinous process intrinsic back muscles 13 5 6 7 6 4 12 8 8 4 8 9 10 11 10 2 3 14 1 3 15 16 17 12 17

19 Identify on CT- scan 28: rectus abdominis linea alba
external abdominal oblique internal abdominal oblique transversus abdominis psoas major quadratus lumborum jejunum/ileum mesentery ascending colon descending colon abdominal aorta inferior vena cava

20 11 10 Key to scan 28: rectus abdominis linea alba
external abdominal oblique internal abdominal oblique transversus abdominis psoas major quadratus lumborum jejunum/ileum mesentery ascending colon descending colon abdominal aorta inferior vena cava 2 1 1 9 4 12 8 3 8 5 13 11 10 6 6 7

21 Identify on contrast x-ray
urinary bladder ureter renal pelvis major calyx minor calyyx renal papilla

22 Key 1 urinary bladder ureter renal pelvis major calyx minor calyyx
6 4 Key urinary bladder ureter renal pelvis major calyx minor calyyx renal papilla 3 5 4 5 2 1

23 6 Identify on pelvis: 7 pubic symphysis obturator foramen
ischial tuberosity pubic tubercle pecten pubis anterior superior iliac spine anterior inferior iliac spine greater sciatic notch acetabulum 7

24 6 6 Key to pelvis x-ray 7 7 8 2 3 pubic symphysis obturator foramen
ischial tuberosity pubic tubercle pecten pubis anterior superior iliac spine anterior inferior iliac spine greater sciatic notch acetabulum 7 7 8 9 9 9 5 2 4 1 3

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