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Warm Up: What should be included in your Weebly presentation? Weebly Presentations.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: What should be included in your Weebly presentation? Weebly Presentations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: What should be included in your Weebly presentation? Weebly Presentations

2 Group Brainstorm Using your individual warm up answers, decide what are the top three things that should be included in today’s presentations. As a class, compile a list. Choose the top three most important to include in our peer evaluation rubrics. After each person presents, you will evaluate him/her/yourself using these guidelines.

3 Weebly Presentation Present your informational essay and Weebly concerning your science fiction author, astronaut, or astronomer. Explain your thesis and discuss your three main aspects of your individual’s life. Use the multimedia and graphics on your Website to explore your topic. After each person presents, take a few minutes to rate your peer using the rubric created at the opening of class. If you presented, evaluate yourself.

4 Reflection Complete the reflection questions. Attach the reflection sheet to the back of your Process of the Piece. Staple and turn in. As a class, discuss the reflections.

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