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ABET ACREDITATION By: Elizabeth Rivera Oficina de Acreditación.

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Presentation on theme: "ABET ACREDITATION By: Elizabeth Rivera Oficina de Acreditación."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABET ACREDITATION By: Elizabeth Rivera Oficina de Acreditación

2 Why Should My Program Seek Accreditation? Accreditation is valuable to you and your constituents: Accreditation provides you with a structured mechanism to assess, evaluate, and improve the quality of your program. Accreditation helps students and their parents choose quality college programs. Accreditation enables employers to recruit graduates they know are well-prepared. Accreditation is used by registration, licensure, and certification boards to screen applicants.

3 MISSION The Department’s mission is: Prepare citizens from the entire socioeconomic spectrum so that they may have (1) excellent skills in the electrical technology fields, computational fields, and related areas; (2) leadership and capacity of the continuous learning necessary to develop those skills; (3) social and environmental responsibility; and (4) appreciation of economic, esthetic, and cultural values that complete their formation. Expand the frontiers of knowledge within the electrical and computer engineering fields and related areas. Provide the benefits obtained via the teaching and research activities to the service of the academic community and Puerto Rico.

4 VISION The Department’s vision is to be recognized as the best electrical and computer engineering department in Latin America, the first source of Hispanic electrical and computer engineers in the Puerto Rico and United States labor markets, with the depth and breadth that a 5-year Bachelor’s degree program can provide.

5 Program Educational Objectives 1.Obtain a broad educational experience necessary to understand the impact of electrical engineering problems and solutions within a global and societal context. 2.Possess a combination of knowledge and analytical, computational, and experimental skills necessary to solve practical electrical engineering problems. 3.Have adequate communication skills both as an individual and as part of a team. 4.Value the importance of lifelong learning. 5.Be aware of contemporary issues and thus be able to make decisions taking into consideration professional and societal needs, and ethical implications.

6 Program Outcomes (a) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering necessary to carry out analysis and design appropriate to electrical/computer engineering problems. (b) Ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data. (c) Ability to design an electrical/computer system to meet desired needs. (d) Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams. (e) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. (f) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. (g) Ability to communicate effectively. (h) Broad education necessary to under­stand impact of engineering solutions in a global/societal context. (i) Recognition of the need for and ability to engage in lifelong learning. (j) Knowledge of contemporary issues. (k) Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools neces­sary for engineering practice.

7 Get involved! Get involved in the acreditation process of our Department. Acreditation involves everyone.

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