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Disability Rights New Mexico 1-800-432-4682. Disability Rights New Mexico Mission statement: “To protect, promote, and expand the legal and civil rights.

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Presentation on theme: "Disability Rights New Mexico 1-800-432-4682. Disability Rights New Mexico Mission statement: “To protect, promote, and expand the legal and civil rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disability Rights New Mexico 1-800-432-4682

2 Disability Rights New Mexico Mission statement: “To protect, promote, and expand the legal and civil rights of persons with disabilities.”

3 What we are: Legal rights center that serves individuals with disabilities across the state. Team of attorneys, advocates, and administrative staff in three offices: Albuquerque, Las Cruces, and Las Vegas. We provide FREE legal services and advocacy support. Disability Rights New Mexico

4 Who are DRNM’s clients? Individuals with disabilities who live in New Mexico. People with a variety of disabilities: physical, behavioral, and developmental. All ages.

5 Who are DRNM’s clients? Individuals with a variety of disabilities: autism, intellectual impairment, deaf or hard-of- hearing, blind or visually impaired, dementia, traumatic brain injury, speech impediments, mental illness, and developmental disabilities, to name just a few.

6 Services we provide: Legal services- lawyers represent clients in administrative hearings, as well as state and federal court.

7 Services we provide Advocacy support- our advocates work with clients to get the services and supports that they need when they have faced discrimination or lack of services due to their disability.

8 Services we provide Information and referral- our advocates are highly knowledgeable about available resources for New Mexicans. Our advocates work 1:1 with clients to make sure that they receive the best support possible for their current situation.

9 Advocacy Areas: Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation Abuse, neglect, and exploitation of people with disabilities in New Mexico. DRNM conduct investigations, reports to regulatory authorities, influences policy- makers. Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illnesses (PAIMI authority from Congress) both in facilities and living in the community.

10 Advocacy Areas: Special Education Special Education – under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA), students with disabilities have a special set of rights in public school settings. DRNM helps to enforce those rights in public schools.

11 Advocacy Areas: Special Education Unfortunately, students with behavior-related disabilities often get funneled into the “school-to-jail pipeline.”

12 School-to-jail pipeline Instead of properly serving students with disabilities, some school districts refer students with behavioral challenges directly to the juvenile justice system. Advocacy Areas: Special Education

13 Did you know? A disproportionate number of juvenile offenders (65%) are eligible to receive special education services. This means that many children in the juvenile justice system have developmental, physical, or behavioral disabilities. (More than 3 times in the general population). Citation: Recommendations to Prevent the Disproportionate Placement and Inadequate Treatment of Children with Disabilities in the Juvenile Justice System, National Disability Rights Network, October 2015.

14 Advocacy Areas: Special Education But…students with disabilities have a special set of rights. In the school setting, students with behavior-related disabilities may be entitled to a “Behavior Intervention Plan” (BIP). When law enforcement is called to a school because of student behavior, it’s good to be aware: 1)The student might have a BIP in place. 2)The school staff might not have properly followed the BIP before calling law enforcement. 3)The student’s behaviors may be a result of the BIP not being properly or consistently applied.

15 Advocacy Areas: Special Education Be aware of the rights of students with disabilities…. And help us end the “school-to-jail” pipeline.

16 Advocacy Areas: Access to Medical Care and Mental Healthcare Medicaid- DRNM protects the rights of individuals with disabilities to receive medical care and mental healthcare services. For example, if you are working with an individual who can’t access mental health services due to a denial or reduction in their Medicaid benefits, DRNM may be able to help.

17 Advocacy Areas Employment and Vocational Rehabilitation DRNM provides legal representation and advocacy support in cases where an individual with a disability is unable to gain or maintain employment because of their disability.

18 Advocacy Areas: Self-Determination DRNM supports the self-determination of people with disabilities. One of our advocacy areas in this regard is Guardianship. For example: a protected person who is under a court- appointed guardianship is displeased with his current guardian. DRNM may work with the protected person to investigate allegations of abuse/neglect/exploitation. DRNM may then assist the client in getting a new guardian or having the guardianship removed.

19 How to get DRNM services: Individuals may call DRNM at: 1-800-432-4682, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Intake staff will take their basic information. Advocate will call back for in-depth interview within 2 business days. Advocate will either: a) refer to appropriate resource, or b) gather documentation to present to entire staff at weekly staff meeting. Our team of attorneys and advocates determine together if DRNM may take the case for representation or advocacy.

20 Keep in touch! Disability Rights New Mexico 1720 Louisiana Blvd. NE Suite 204 Albuquerque, NM 87110 1-800-432-4682

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