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 Cancer =Abnormal, uncontrolled cell growth Normal body CellCancer Body Cell Carcinogens=cancer causing agents.

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2  Cancer =Abnormal, uncontrolled cell growth Normal body CellCancer Body Cell Carcinogens=cancer causing agents

3 Tumor =Cells reproduce and multiply to a mass of tissues 2 Types Noncancerous Tumors=Benign Tumors, do not kill healthy tissue Cancerous Tumors=Malignant Tumors, conquer and destroy all tissues Metastasis=spreading of a malignant tumor throughout the body.

4 Cancer is classified by the type of tissue it develops in CCCCarcinoma=develops in linings of body organs (lungs, stomach, breast) SSSSarcoma=develop in connective and supportive tissues (bones, muscles, tendons) LLLLymphoma=develops in lymphatic system (Hodgkin Disease, Leukemia)

5 Diagnosing Cancer  Yearly Physical Exams 1. Go to same doctor 1. Go to same doctor 2. Keep your records 2. Keep your records  Self Exams (Skin, Breast, Testicular) 1. Perform once a month EVERY month 1. Perform once a month EVERY month  Biopsy=removal of a small piece of tissue to be checked for cancer

6 Treatment of Cancer SSSSurgery=Remove tumor or body part RRRRadiation=used when tumor is in an awkward place on the body CCCChemotherapy=Anticancer medications administered seek out abnormal cells HHHHormone Therapy=injections used to prevent spread of cancer cells

7 Statistics  Melanoma=Most common cancer  Respiratory Cancers=(Lungs & Larynx) –Causes most deaths of all Cancers Digestive System Cancers=Colon & Rectal cancers are the 2 nd most common cancers and are due to diet choices. Reproductive Cancers=Males-Prostate 50+ Testicular 15-30 Women-Cervix 15-25 Breast 40+

8 Warning Signs  Change in Bowel Habits  A sore that doesn’t heal  Unusual bleeding or discharge  Thickening or a lump on body  Indigestion or difficulty swallowing  Obvious change in wart or mole  Nagging cough or hoarseness

9 Prevention  Know your health history  Do self exams once a month  Get yearly check-ups  Choose food high in fiber low in fat  Avoid sunburns & excessive UV rays  Don’t smoke  Exercise regularly

10 Melanoma  The most serious type of skin cancer. When people spend time in the sunlight, the melanocytes make more melanin and cause skin to tan. If skin receives too much UV light melanocytes may begin to grow abnormally and become cancerous. When people spend time in the sunlight, the melanocytes make more melanin and cause skin to tan. If skin receives too much UV light melanocytes may begin to grow abnormally and become cancerous.  Each year 50,000 people in the US learn they have melanoma.  Melanoma is one of the most common cancers in young adults.

11 Who gets Melanoma? BBlue/green eyes, blonde/red hair, fair skin HHistory of sunburns or high UV exposure PPrior personal or family history of melanoma

12 Melanoma Exam A=Asymmetry Lesions are typically irregular in shape B=Border Lesions often have uneven border C=Color Lesions contain many shades of brown/black D=Diameter Lesions are often more than 6 millimeters (pencil eraser) E=Evolving Lesions often grow in size or height rapidly




16 Tobacco  What is in a cigarette? Each cigarettes contain 43 different chemicals know to cause cancer Cyanide, formaldehyde, arsenic, tar, nicotine, DDT, nitrobenzene, ethanol, toluene, lead  How much does a pack cost? Is it worth it?

17 Time LapseEffect Time LapseEffect 20 minutes= Blood pressure & Heart rate drop 12 Hours= Carbon monoxide levels drop back to normal 2-3 weeks= Circulation improves and lung capacity increases 1-9 months= Coughing and shortness of breath decrease 1 Year= Heart attack risk halved 10 Years= Lung Cancer risk halved 15 Years= Heart attack risk is similar to that of someone who never smoked Stop Smoking

18 Tobacco Diseases  Chronic Bronchitis=bronchi are irritated, cilia become useless, tar builds up which results in coughing and excessive mucus  Emphysema=destruction of air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs.  Lung Cancer=persistent cough, repeated bouts of pneumonia *leading cause of cancer deaths  Circulatory System Problems=nicotine makes heart work harder and constricts blood vessels slowing circulation and increasing aging

19 Smokeless Tobacco  1 Can contains the same amount of nicotine as 60 cigarettes  Sends the same amount of carcinogens into the blood stream  Dip health risks=mouth sores, cancer of the lip, mouth, tongue, damage to teeth, gums, and digestive tract. Warning Pictures may be Graphic to some!


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