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General Plan Update ITEM NO. 5 Final Draft Planning Commission Hearing - June 23, 2015 Project Manager: So Kim, Senior Planner.

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Presentation on theme: "General Plan Update ITEM NO. 5 Final Draft Planning Commission Hearing - June 23, 2015 Project Manager: So Kim, Senior Planner."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Plan Update ITEM NO. 5 Final Draft Planning Commission Hearing - June 23, 2015 Project Manager: So Kim, Senior Planner

2  7 Mandatory Elements:  Land Use  Circulation  Housing  Conservation  Open-Space  Noise  Safety What Needs to be in the General Plan? General Plan Update – Final Draft (June 23, 2015)  Proposed General Plan Elements:  Land Use  Circulation  Housing & Social Services  Conservation & Open Space  Noise  Safety  Fiscal

3  City Council – 13  Planning Commission – 59 (only includes public hearings and not sub-committee mtgs)  General Plan Update Steering Committee – 21  Open Space Recreation & Parks Task Force – 4  Traffic Safety Committee – 3  Finance Advisory Committee – 2  Emergency Preparedness Committee – 2 Public Hearings & Meetings in Updating the General Plan Since 2002 General Plan Update – Final Draft (June 23, 2015)

4  PC approved a draft version of the update on August 27, 2013  Staff’s proposed changes to the August 27 th version:  Updates based on census info, fiscal info, names, status on projects  Updates based on City Council actions  Adding climate change discussion, references to maps  Further modifications proposed:  COS page 26: Change the word “fauna” to “flora” as the sensitive species being referenced are plants, not animals  COS page 43: Update the name for “Marymount College” to “Marymount California University”  Figure 10 (Open Space Recreational Areas): Update the name for “Marymount College” to “Marymount California University”  Figure 11 (Public Facilities): Update the name for “Marymount University” to “Marymount California University”  Noise page 5: Update the name for “Marymount College” to “Marymount California University”  Additional changes as indicated in emails distributed to you as part of late correspondence. General Plan Text Update General Plan Update – Final Draft (June 23, 2015)

5  Figure 1 (Regional Vicinity) – Scale at the bottom right corner was corrected.  Figure 4 (Slope Stability) – Under Source, ‘CGS’ will be spelled out to ‘California Geological Survey’  Figure 10 (Open Space Recreational Areas) – ‘Marymount College’ changed to ‘Marymount California University; ‘Terranea Golf Course’ changed to ‘Links at Terranea’; ‘Ocean Trails Golf Club’ changed to ‘Trump National Golf Club’  Figure 11 (Public Facilities) – Updated names to ‘Links at Terranea’ and ‘ Trump National Golf Club’  Figure 14 (Visual Resources) – The locations and directions of red fan shapes representing “views” has been changed within the Coastal Zone to match the visual corridors section of the Coastal Specific Plan. Additionally, a note has been added to the legend next to “views” referring the reader to the Coastal Specific Plan for the extent of the views.  Figure 16 (Preservation & Enhancement) – Updated name to ‘Trump National Golf Club’ Corrections to the Figures corresponding with the Text distributed as part of Late Correspondence

6  Includes 21 City Council adopted land use changes since 1975  Includes all Planning Commission approved draft land use changes, including:  Reduction of “Hazard” areas for 254 properties and change the designation to “Open-Space Hillside”, except landslide moratorium and coastal areas  Change land use discrepancies in various residential tracts with duel land use designations for consistency  Change the land use of various parks to Recreational-Passive  Modify overlay control district designations to match the Zoning Map  Creation of Open-Space Preserve designation for categorize properties within the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve  Creation of Cemetery designation for Green Hills Memorial Park  Change the land use designation for City-owned portion of Ladera Linda General Plan Land Use Map Update General Plan Update – Final Draft (June 23, 2015)

7  Gateway Park – PC voted 5-0 to change the land use to Recreational-Passive. However, distributed staff report and land use map shows it as Recreational-Active. This has been corrected.  Colors used for the Recreational areas has been changed to be the same, with the two active areas shown with the letter ‘A’.  Colors identifying for Commercial-Recreational and –Retail has been changed to be the same shade of red with the only property (Terranea) with the Commercial- Rec designation to be shown with ‘REC’.  The ‘Equestrian Overlay’ has been placed under the heading ‘Overlay Districts’.  ‘Open-Space Preserve’, ‘Open-Space Hillside’, ‘Open Space Hazard’ and ‘Residential 1-2/Open Space Hazard’ has been re-ordered.  ‘Agriculture’ land use change has been removed as the only existing area with that designation (Gateway Park) is proposed with Recreational-Passive designation.  A small area along PVDE that included an ‘Equestrian Overlay’ border was removed as it was a graphic error. Corrections to Proposed General Plan Land Use Map distributed as part of Late Correspondence  General Plan Update – Final Draft (June 23, 2015)


9  July 28 th PC hearing to review:  Environmental document (Negative Declaration)  Updated acknowledgements, glossary, and bibliography sections  Once PC approves the draft versions of the General Plan text, Land Use Map and Negative Declaration with a recommendation of adoption to the CC  General Plan Update package will be presented to the CC for review and adoption Next Steps  General Plan Update – Final Draft (June 23, 2015)

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