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Understand the fuel your body needs and how it is used. BASIC NUTRITION.

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Presentation on theme: "Understand the fuel your body needs and how it is used. BASIC NUTRITION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understand the fuel your body needs and how it is used. BASIC NUTRITION

2  Why is proper nutrition important?  What nutrients does your body need to run efficiently?  What are some key concepts to an effective nutritional program?  What are the results of poor nutrition? TOPICS OF DISCUSSION

3  All living things need food and water to live.  All human beings need “ good food ” to live well.  Food = energy (measured in calories)  Carbohydrates -  Protein -  Fats -  Proper nutrition provides the body with the nutrients necessary to build, maintain, and repair tissues. WHY IS PROPER NUTRITION IMPORTANT?

4  Macro-Nutrients – essential for human survival and growth  Micro-Nutrients – essential for growth and enhance the function and usability of macro-nutrients The difference between macro and micro nutrients is the amount your body needs each day. Macro-nutrients must exceed one gram per day. TYPES OF NUTRIENTS

5  Provide energy for your body by converting to glucose.  Three types of carbohydrates: 1.Simple – 2.Complex – 3.Dietary fiber – complex carbohydrates that are not a source of energy and add no calories to your diet. CARBOHYDRATES












17  Used for tissue growth and repair.  Two types of Proteins: 1.Complete Proteins – 2.Incomplete Proteins –  Amino Acids are the building blocks for protein (20 different types).  Within six months, every protein molecule in your body is broken down and replaced.  The more intensely you train, the more protein is required for repair and growth.  Consuming more protein than the body needs can result in an increase in fat storage. PROTEINS





22  A healthy body needs fat. Major uses for FAT FATS











33  Vitamins and minerals act as regulators and catalysts for a variety of bodily functions.  Vitamins are essential for:  Building body tissues such as bones, skin, glands, nerves, and blood.  Assisting in the metabolizing of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates so you receive energy from food.  Promoting healing  Preventing nutritional deficiency diseases.  Minerals are essential for:  The formation of strong bones and teeth  Helping to control the nervous system  Fluid balance in tissues  Muscle contractions  Minerals and most vitamins must be supplied through diet since they are not made in the body. VITAMINS AND MINERALS

34  Your overall body is between 70 - 80% water.  Your muscles are about 75% water  Your body needs water to:  Your body does not store water so you must take in a new supply every day.  The National Research Council ’ s Food and Nutrition Board recommends one milliliter (ml) of water for each calorie of food we consume. WATER

35  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Attempt to eat:  Minimum of:  Attempt to consume:  Vegetables are the best source of:  Read labels and understand serving sizes.  Supplements should be used as:  Make a lifestyle change – diets often fail. KEY CONCEPTS TO AN EFFECTIVE NUTRITIONAL PLAN

36  Peanut butter and low sugar jelly on wheat bread  Apples and peanut butter  Low fat yogurt  Low fat Cheese sticks  Granola / trail mixes  Turkey Roll-ups  Hummus and carrot sticks  Naturally sweetened nuts (truvia, agave)  Berries  Protein shake EXAMPLES OF HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS SNACKS

37  Heart Disease  Diabetes  Bones may break due to a lack of calcium  Low Iron count  Decreased athletic performance RESULTS OF POOR NUTRITION

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