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Welcome to Year 1 Respect, Achieve, Aspire 2015 -16.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1 Respect, Achieve, Aspire 2015 -16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1 Respect, Achieve, Aspire 2015 -16

2 Staff Respect, Achieve, Aspire I C – Mrs Mills and Mrs Mitsry, Mrs Wilde and Mrs Thapa I D – Mrs Reynolds and Mrs McKenzie and Miss Weller

3 Structure of the day Respect, Achieve, Aspire 8:35-8:458:45-8:508:55 – 9:15 9:15-10:30 10:30- 10:45 10:45-11:45 11:45- 12:00 12:00 – 1:00 1:00- 1.30 1: 30 :2.0 0 2:00- 2:30 3:05 – 3:15 Monday Independent activities Register Whole school Assembly English-RWI BMaths Individual Readers L Guided Reading Lib Lib History/geo graphy Story, recap and celebration Tuesday Independent activities Register Singing Assembly – KS1 English-RWI RMathsU Guided Reading Science ICT- Every other week Story, recap and celebration Wednesday Year 1 change for PE Register TA take over at 9 to assembly PE – PPAEPE -PPAN RWI Maths Story, recap and celebration Thursday Independent activities Register Whole school- Birthday English-RWI AMathsC Guided Reading PSHE- Whole Input ART/DT Story, recap and celebration Friday Independent activities RegisterWhole school Assembly- celebration English-RWI KMathsHGuided Reading RE / Music GT BG Tim e Story, recap and celebration

4 Expectations Respect, Achieve, Aspire Attendance Punctuality It really impacts on their learning. Uniform Shirt Trousers/ Skirt Tie (Optional) School shoes – black. Language for learning Why is this important? PE kit In school every day Red shorts, white top, plimsolls Tracksuit bottoms – black/blue/grey

5 Curriculum English – RWI Maths Science Topic PE- Swimming for year 1 is in the summer term. PSHE Art RE ICT Respect, Achieve, Aspire

6 Vision, Values and Rules Our Aims: To be a vibrant and nurturing learning environment, where children are valued, all learners show resilience and a desire for excellence, and success and achievement are celebrated within a safe and happy community. Respect, Achieve Aspire In fulfilling these aims we believe the pupils at Town Farm Primary School and Nursery can make a difference and achieve excellence. Our Vision 'Everyone in this school has the right to learn, listen, participate and enjoy school.' To achieve our vision we follow three school rules: We look after our school We respect each other We follow adult instructions Our Mission Everyone can make a difference and achieve excellence Respect, Achieve, Aspire

7 Homework Respect, Achieve, Aspire Daily Reading – Each child will bring home a reading book, we would like each child to be heard read on a daily basis as this can have a major impact on their overall learning and confidence. Friday – Homework will be based on a science/topic/ maths activity each Friday. The children will bring this home in their red homework books. Please support your child in completing their homework and returning it by Wednesday. Class mascot – each class has a class mascot that throughout the year they will have the opportunity to bring home. We ask that your child record things they did with the mascot over the weekend provided in the home book.

8 Educational Visits Over the year we are hoping to go on several trips to support the learning we are doing within school. We will update on these throughout the year. Respect, Achieve, Aspire

9 If your child has concerns If a child is unhappy we encourage them to speak out about it by: Talking to a friend Raising an issue in circle time Talking to a member of staff on duty Talking to a learning mentor Talking to class teacher Putting a note in the class worry box (this will be seen by the class teacher) Putting a note in the worry eater (this will be seen by a learning mentor) Speaking to a middle or senior leader. Respect, Achieve, Aspire

10 Addressing parents’ concerns Talk to the class teacher or any member of the Year 1 team – we are here to help! Next step is the Key Stage One Phase Leader – Mrs McKenzie Next step is the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Deputy Head - Mrs Freeman. Next step - Head Teacher- Mr Girardot. Respect, Achieve, Aspire

11 Safeguarding Town Farm Primary School recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children under Section 175 of the 2002 Education Act and under the Children Act 2004 and the DfE guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015. Share your concern & seek advice from: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mr Girardot Safeguarding Team Mrs Kennedy, Mrs Freeman, Mr Bhatti, Mr Hayes  Contact Centre/ Safeguarding Hub: 0300 200 1006  Emergency Duty team: 01483 517898  Surrey Police: 101 (or 999 in an emergency)  Respect, Achieve, Aspire

12 Additional information and support School Website - Parents section: payments, parent partnership information to support home and school, term dates, uniform and meals. Information section: school calendar, SEN, PP, policies and data. Children section: class information/ galleries, links to websites. The website also contains newsletters the school prospectus and handbook. Respect, Achieve, Aspire

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